[itipanel] ICANN Strategic Planning [sent to public email list]

Denise Michel denise.michel at icann.org
Mon Nov 4 18:19:24 UTC 2013

Dear Strategy Panel Members:

As you know, your panel's work is an important part of ICANN's strategic
planning process. I would like to call your attention to a recent milestone
in ICANN's ongoing, collaborative development of a new vision and five-year
strategic plan, and provide some additional background for those who are
new to ICANN.

*What's Happening Now: * A draft "Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a
Five-Year Strategic Plan" has been
public comment and will be the topic of  discussions at the ICANN Buenos
Aires meeting, as well as other venues, through January. (We hope you will
join -- online or in-person -- a public forum on strategic planning
scheduled for Monday 18 Nov. in Buenos

The overarching, aspirational, draft "Vision, Mission and Focus Areas"
reflects extensive public input and priorities identified by ICANN's Board.
 The draft proposes a new Vision, reiterates ICANN's existing Mission, and
describes five proposed Focus Areas with goals:

I.        Evolving ICANN’s implementation of the multistakeholder approach
for coordination

II.       Developing a world-class public responsibility framework

III.      Supporting a healthy unique identifier ecosystem

IV.     Striving towards technical and operational excellence

V.      Defining role clarity for ICANN in the Internet governance ecosystem

Read the full text

At this stage of development, we are seeking general feedback, as well as
input on measurable outcomes for these Focus Area Goals:

   - Overall *–Does this draft appropriately outline ICANN's future? Are we
   missing a strategic element you see as critical for ICANN to address in the
   next five years?*
   - Focus Area Goals *–What specific outcomes or achievements should we
   target for each of the Focus Area Goals? What quantitative / qualitative
   elements should we consider in measuring progress / results for each Focus
   Area Goal?*

*How Did We Get Here: * This is the latest step in a process that started
in April as a public conversation about the future challenges and
opportunities the Internet and ICANN may face. You may find it useful to
watch the short
video<https://myicann.org/join-strategy-conversation?language=en> that
launched the conversation and peruse the
numerous in-person and online brainstorming efforts by the ICANN Board,
staff and community. This was followed in July with the announcement of the
strategy panels to provide strategic recommendations on key areas that
emerged from the brainstorming efforts, and a request to the community for
targeted input on these key areas.  The areas explored and feedback
received can be found

*Next Steps: * All of this input — combined with strategic recommendations
received from your panel — will inform a proposed ICANN Vision & Five-Year
Strategic Plan that will be posted for public comment from February to
March 2014. The full strategic planning process and timeline is illustrated
This approach enables the community to be involved throughout the strategic
plan development process, and enables us to incorporate some evolving
issues and ongoing staff work that will yield additional elements for
ICANN’s final strategic and/or operating plans (e.g. prioritization,
timing/staging over five years, critical success factors, specific
outcomes, resources, and metrics and monitoring).

More background information is posted
 Please don't hesitate to email me directly if you have questions.

Thank you, again, for contributing to ICANN's future.



Denise Michel

VP Strategic Initiatives


denise.michel at icann.org
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