[ksk-rollover] Architectural reconsideration on ICANN's Root Zone KSK rollover

S Moonesamy sm+icann at elandsys.com
Wed Jan 31 22:39:04 UTC 2018

Hi Davey,
At 07:32 PM 25-01-2018:
>I followed the discussion in this ML and composed a draft proposal 
>(attached and in my repo) as an input. I will not proceed in IETF 
>but consider to publish it in other form, if you think it is too 
>radical to implement. Any comments on the proposal or edits for my 
>poooor English is welcome. J

There is the following in the proposal: "It require new DNS extension 
and functions in both authoritative and recursive side servers".  How 
long would it take to deploy the new DNS extension?

S. Moonesamy 

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