[Latingp] AGENDA for the GP call on June the 13th, 2019, 16:00UTC

Mirjana Tasić Mirjana.Tasic at rnids.rs
Wed Jun 12 08:00:46 UTC 2019

Dear GP members.

Please find enclosed the Agenda proposal for our next telephone conference.
I am asking Dennis to add items I missed, or to change the order of items if he finds it necessary.

Any other comments are welcome.
Pitinan will send the remainder on time.

I am asking Mats to fill his findings on non-visual analysis of Latin code points in template for Appendix D<https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=10C636851F7DD403!612296&ithint=file%2cdocx&authkey=!AJa6cA3tJQ27DgI>.  You should download tempate, fill it with your analysis and send it to Latin GP mail. If you forgot where are your findings, you can find links to your documents in REMAINDERS section item no 3.

All links to relevant working documents could be found either in Action items table or at the end of this document in the section REMINDERS.

Regards Mirjana

AGENDA for the GP call on June the 13th, 2019, 16:00UTC

  1.  Roll call
  2.  URL underlining analysis<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19FZmntXOan_7LF0ckzKZNLrla0L8eC_GxWEfAmmOMkU/edit#gid=1543789122> – review sheets produced by Bill
  3.  Discussion on Appendix: IDNA Compatibility – Latin Small Letter Sharp S (ß) 00DF<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Asf9ecnyX4rkK3pyQMzDuH8YY5-eXw8quZ6guDiUmqY/edit#heading=h.syfnmlblrpuc>
  4.  Think of unassigned tasks from Latin GP - Version 5 Schedule<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1siFPKNqSr-YGj0DKurvS3hcoa8Y8eAJUBHpS5BhwJPw/edit#gid=1115838130>
  5.  Final Report review – resolution of comments and remarks
  6.  Next meeting proposal June  the 15th, 2019, 16:00
  7.  AOB

Action items from previous calls


Complete URL Underlining Analysis

  *   Send spreadsheet with analysis for review by IP
  *   Focus on clear-cut cases, but make a call for other cases as well
  *   Consider incorporating “q” vs “g” in similarity section; mention URL underlining case
  *   Bear in mind effect of transitivity when defining variants
  *   Cedilla and Comma Below have historic relationship; good candidate for variants (even without URL underlining)
1. Dennis started
2. Meikal and Bill should provide table based on Denis proposal for further investigation of underlining-RESOLVED
3. Meikal an Bill offered excel sheets for evaluation
4. Table for rating underlined code points is HERE<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19FZmntXOan_7LF0ckzKZNLrla0L8eC_GxWEfAmmOMkU/edit#gid=0>
5. All members to put marks in this table
6. Bill summarized inspection of code points
7. Panel review of  code points with inconsistent eveluation
8. Panel agreed to give  all members the oportunity to challenge rating til May the 27th.. After that Bill volunteered to make two spradsheets: first<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cRRU0kkbGdEdw-nYYXNI0PxgzqHjtgUCeZ7aPuQcxoQ/edit#gid=0> with agreed variants, the  second<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19FZmntXOan_7LF0ckzKZNLrla0L8eC_GxWEfAmmOMkU/edit#gid=0> with code points to be further investigated.
9. ALL – Rate code points non egreed as variants
10.  ALL- to rate non agreed variant code points. Some ratings from MM missing
11. Bill to finalize variants for non agreed code points

Create clear guidelines for variant definition that can be used as references in the proposal
1.Dennis, Meikal, Bill
2. ALL-Resolve comments in Final Report

Review “base character” analysis per assignments
finish reviewing previous work

  1.  Finished reports could be found HERE<https://www.dropbox.com/home/Latin%20GP/InScriptVariants/InScriptVariantAnalysis-homeworks>

Further input on German Eszett by German Registries

  1.  Michael. Text added in Final Report

Write-up proposal to include 00B7 (Middle Dot) to support “l·l” (letter L + Middle Dot + letter L) for Catalan language --

  1.  Michael, results from discussion with IP
  2.  Short report on this action is  included in Final report

Develop test label strategy

  1.  Mirjana gave Proposal<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LJpUJB2XfBc76O4LuDl9jmPqI7WCai_s-9szi6_kLzo/edit?usp=sharing>
  2.  Sarmad and Pitinan provided test labels for Repertoire<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IVFkoFTu4WjXTR9fSeQwChpyiCifB2fQ>
  3.  Test labels for variants should be provided

Create test cases for dotless I vis-a-vis IDNA 2003 Compatibility issues

  1.  Mats

Complete section for IDNA2003 compatibility issues in next version

  1.  Denis provided Appendix: IDNA Compatibility - Latin Small Letter Sharp S (ß) 00DF<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Asf9ecnyX4rkK3pyQMzDuH8YY5-eXw8quZ6guDiUmqY/edit#heading=h.syfnmlblrpuc> To be reviewed by Panel

Maintenance of list of cases for additional similarity review
1. Bill.-Table could be found HERE<https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Latin%20GP/InScriptVariants/Bill-%20In-ScriptVariantAnalysis-SimilarityReview.xlsx?role=personal>
2.  What are next steps?

Bill’s finding on Stacking with Combining Diacritics (Attachment: Combining Diacritics and Stacking.docx)<https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Latin%20GP/InScriptVariants/Bill-CombiningDiacriticsandStacking.docx?role=personal>

1. Bill- Text could be found HERE<https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Latin%20GP/InScriptVariants/Bill-CombiningDiacriticsandStacking.docx?role=personal>
2. Problem should be discussed by Panel

In script analysis on visual ground

Discussion on filling final report with results of our analysis of In-script Non-Visual Variant Discovery Analysis. Maikal gave the suggestion in Appendix D. We should decide how to fill final report with our results.

  1.  The problem was discussed and Meikal provided  template for Appendix D<https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=10C636851F7DD403!612296&ithint=file%2cdocx&authkey=!AJa6cA3tJQ27DgI>  . Template was accepted by panel.

Filling Appendix D template<https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=10C636851F7DD403!612296&ithint=file%2cdocx&authkey=!AJa6cA3tJQ27DgI> with findings from non-visual analysis.
Contributions are in Appendix D<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13OI1Yb9RO2Z_l4C0hbFCZ8xVONxdwqBU>
1. Finished : Mirjana, Meikal, Michael, Denis, Bill, Hazzem
2. Expecting (Mats)

Wordmark.it users, who needs them


  1.  Bill’s finding on Stacking with Combining Diacritics (Attachment: Combining Diacritics and Stacking.pdf)

  1.  Following In script Non visual base letter shape analysis  sent as .pdf.or word document could be found in Dropbox
·         Hazzem
·         Mirjana
·         Bill
·         Meikal
·         Michael
·         Dennis
·         Missing reports from:

        *   Mats

  1.  IN Script Non-Visual Variant Discovery Analysis (homework from Oct 2018 F2F meeting)
·         Michael https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t6f_5JK5YIaoHeYSAQYJfXrW-AFnlkezJ9zwP20xidE/edit#heading=h.v9grc3xvxl8k
·         Mirjana https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ggZHyg35k_2eplhrGA0wy34U5TeUMi6FM-M-Im1qe6c/edit?usp=sharing
·         Bill https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nfm-1A8Keomj0DP_IJcgJm62EFdUJRq7HP0CHV1_UrQ/edit
·         Hazem https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wXM4xL5xh9My1QYIVwWrJqJ6djfRr7Ncz0IyNRFXCKI/edit?usp=sharing
·         Meikal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fjxdwx_eRep94Xp5YcidiA_4svV73MFc8wLGM2zvdgk/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
·         Dennis https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GgawEKKwrvC8P0UAuB5DAka1P13s98HEvp2kxn0cM5Q/edit
·         Mats,

  1.  Meikal’s Template for Appendix D on Variants


Panel members contributions are in Appendix D<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13OI1Yb9RO2Z_l4C0hbFCZ8xVONxdwqBU>

  1.  Bill’s table with code points collected for visual similarity analysis

  1.  Underlining analysis excel has two spread sheets : all analyzed code points  in “ Sheet1” and code points “To Be Rated”


Spread sheet with agreed variants derived from underlining analysis is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cRRU0kkbGdEdw-nYYXNI0PxgzqHjtgUCeZ7aPuQcxoQ/edit#gid=0

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