[Metrics.SC] Review of requirements and obligations

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Mon Jun 25 15:52:23 UTC 2012

Regarding the issue of the ALAC Chair or any other ALAC member being 
a NomCom member, it does not appear that there is any rule forbidding it.


At 25/06/2012 06:00 AM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
>As requested I have gone over the existing RoP and extracted all of 
>the requirements, pre-requisites, obligations, and such. The result 
>of that can be found in the requirements.xls attachment. Note that I 
>abandoned filling out the last columns (Going Forward and 
>Quantifiable) part-way through the process when I decided that this 
>was best left until a later stage of the process.
>I then tried to re-organize this content, changing it as I (with 
>help from my group) thought best. The document is full of 
>explanatory notes and questions - all in square brackets and 
>highlighted in yellow).

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