[Npoc-discuss] IGF call for proposals open

Ioana Stupariu Stupariu_Ioana at phd.ceu.edu
Tue Apr 27 10:01:50 UTC 2021

Dear all,

For those of you interested, the IGF2021 call for session proposals is now published:

IGF 2021 Call for session proposals | Internet Governance Forum<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2021-call-for-session-proposals__;!!PtGJab4!pO6B3WNS-ESS1oLAm63SxhX9xuyC5yfgQjM5GJra8CCawf3EvjEGNLsS-aNoj13gpjSh_FAhKw$>

The deadline for submissions is 26 May.

Best regards

Ioana Stupariu
SJD Candidate - International Business Law
Central European University
Department of Legal Studies
Nador u. 11, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +40744251228
Stupariu_Ioana at phd.ceu.edu | www.ceu.edu<http://www.ceu.edu>

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