[Npoc-discuss] Nomination of Joan Kerr for the VC position

Tapani Tarvainen npoc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Thu May 27 12:06:41 UTC 2021

Hi Poncelet,

On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 11:24:47AM +0000, Poncelet Jokkolabs Banjul via Npoc-discuss (npoc-discuss at icann.org) wrote:

> I have not seen it in NCUC or NCSG before of former EC members going
> for a lower position after serving as Chair.

For historical accuracy:

In NCSG several former chairs have served in NCSG EC as well as in the
Council (indeed some do right now, Robin Gross in the EC and Stephanie
Perrin in the Council unless I'm mistaken).

In NCUC at least David Cake was Chair earlier and AP representative
later and Rafik Dammak was NCUC's policy committee representative
after being NCUC Chair.

> let newer members run

Absolutely agreed here, everybody willing should run.

But now we're only nominating candidates, election comes later.

And it is definitely good governance and good for democracy to have
several candidates for voters to choose from.


Tapani Tarvainen

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