[Npoc-discuss] Welocome on board 2021-22!

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 15:48:28 UTC 2021

Dear NPOC members,

I wanted to warmly welcome our new board for the term  2021-22 and
especially our new active members, Gloria, who is taking on the big chair
of our Policy Committee, and Adisa who will be communicating the will of
NPOC far and wide, but especially to our members.

Caleb will be handling all of our members' queries, as well as vetting
membership applications with Adisa at the NCSG EC. Emmanuel and me will be
facilitating meetings, voting and other events that keep the community

I would like to float the idea that our members could join us in future EC
meetings - we're not too many to open the EC meetings to all of our
members. What do you guys think?

Let me finish by encouraging you to engage with the NPOC community and
asking the EC members for advice to help you contribute into the ICANN
policy development process.

Let's make this winter count for NPOC and its members!

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