[Npoc-discuss] Fwd: [NPOC-EC] Call Materials: NCSG Consultation on the Prioritization Framework | Wednesday, 10 November, 15:00-16:30 UTC

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 18:09:00 UTC 2021

Please find the attached FYI

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chantelle Doerksen via NPOC-EC <npoc-ec at icann.org>
Date: Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 12:01 PM
Subject: [NPOC-EC] Call Materials: NCSG Consultation on the Prioritization
Framework | Wednesday, 10 November, 15:00-16:30 UTC

Dear all,

Call materials for this session and the slide deck are attached.



*Attendance:* Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Bruna Martins dos Santos, Caleb
Ogundele, David Morar, John More, Ken Herman, Olivier KOUAMI, Raphael
Beauregard-Lacroix, Raymond Mamattah, Razoana Moslam, Shah Zahidur Rahman,
Vernatius Ezeama, Yusif Amadu | * ICANN Org:* Andrea Glandon, Becky Nash,
Brenda Brewer, Chantelle Doerksen, Sara Sarraf, Victoria Yang, Xavier Calvez

*Zoom Recording:*


00:36:38          Victoria Yang:  For your reference, here is the link,
consists of presentation deck, transcript, and recording of the ICANN 72
prep week session about this topic.

00:39:10          Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:            Bruna sends her
apologies as she did have to drop off.

00:41:49          Xavier Calvez:  This session, along with the other
engagement sessions, is helping to design a first framework which will be
used to conduct the pilot. After the pilot is completed, adjustments to the
framework will be made and a 2nd version of the framework will be used to
carry out the next prioritization phase for the planning of FY24.

00:43:22          Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix: thanks yes

00:43:34          Victoria Yang:  Link:

00:47:09          Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix: good on my side

00:47:25          Benjamin Akinmoyeje:            I agree with the
frequency proposed.

00:51:23          Xavier Calvez:  Thank you Benjamin.

00:52:30          Xavier Calvez:  Even if there would not be a specific
public comment process on the priorities suggested, there will be an
opportunity for public comment on the draft plans, which  will have been
designed using the input of the priorities proposed.

00:52:53          Shah  Zahidur Rahman:           consultay with As/ac will
be reginal or in same webinar?

00:57:48          Victoria Yang:  Shah, I want to make sure I understand
your question correctly. Are you asking, if the consultation workshops
(option 1) will be by AC/SO or will the consultation be general public

00:59:57          Xavier Calvez:  Understood, very helpful. Thank you.

01:00:35          Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix: yes of course

01:01:09          Shah  Zahidur Rahman:           @Victoria, public

01:02:58          Xavier Calvez:  @Shah: important question. When we do
webinars on planning topics, we have carried out several sessions covering
all time zones.

01:03:31          Victoria Yang:  For Option 1, we are proposing to have
consultation with AC/SOs by group, similar to the strategic outlook trend
session exercise each year. On top of that, we will also hold public
webinars to ensure diverse and broad coverage of participation, especially
an opportunity for those who doesn’t necessarily belong to an AC or SO.

01:03:55          Xavier Calvez:  But we are considering creating
regionally based webinars, in specific time zones and focused on the
participants of the region.

01:06:26          Shah  Zahidur Rahman:           @Thanks , Victoria for
clarification, thts really need in two stage of consultation process bcos
to ensure bottom up engagement

01:07:10          Olivier KOUAMI:          I humbly think that we are
already on option 2 with this Team. No ?

01:08:11          Benjamin Akinmoyeje:            @Xavier , regionally
based and time  zone based webinars is a good idea. It will help bring
maximum input  I believe.

01:20:28          Xavier Calvez:  Thank you Benjamin.

01:20:53          Xavier Calvez:  @Olivier: which team do you think
corresponds to option 2?

01:24:05          Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix: this is all new to me so
nothing for now :)

01:24:15          Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix: it was good to know, yes!

01:25:29          Benjamin Akinmoyeje:            I will opt for the
hierarchy option

01:27:34          Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix: dear all apologies I will
have to drop the call (thought initially this was 1hr too ;)). Thanks a lot
Becky and looking forward to further involvement in the planning process.

01:28:09          Victoria Yang:  Thank you for attending Raphael.

01:29:06          Benjamin Akinmoyeje:            Thank you @Raphael , see
you later 🙂

01:34:32          Benjamin Akinmoyeje:            It is a good idea, I will

01:42:31          Victoria Yang:  Thank you all for your participation and
the valuable feedback.

01:42:52          Shah  Zahidur Rahman:           Thank you all, stay safe

01:42:59          Benjamin Akinmoyeje:            Thank you all, bye


Chantelle Doerksen

Policy Development Support Specialist

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile:             +1 (310) 463-9193

Skype:              chantelle.doerksen.icann


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*Caleb Ogundele*
Mobile: +1-204-558-6904
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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