[Npoc-discuss] Learn Details About Today's Public Forum And More In The Final #ICANN72 Newsletter

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 16:43:23 UTC 2021

#ICANN72 Newsletter
28 October 2021
Thank You for Your Hard Work at ICANN72
By Göran Marby, ICANN President and CEO

I’d like to thank the community for your active participation in ICANN72.
This was our sixth virtual meeting, and it is as important as ever to
continue our work together despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
I’m grateful for your flexibility.

The planning and programming of an ICANN Annual General Meeting is
determined by the community, and I hope you found the sessions productive.
Key discussions about issues like DNSSEC and security, promoting diversity
and inclusivity in future ICANN meetings, and the technical aspects of
registry work are crucial to our commitment to support the security,
stability, and interoperability of the Internet. The work we undertake at
these meetings requires your involvement and engagement to make progress

I look forward to the community gathering at the ICANN73 Community Forum in
March 2022.
Looking Ahead to ICANN73
By Naela Sarras
VP, Stakeholder Engagement - North America

As ICANN72 is winding down, we wish to extend our warmest thanks to you
for your continued support of ICANN’s mission and your many and varied
contributions. We also wish to thank our regional community who
participated in our first ever NA Space session, ICANN’s meetings team, and
all those who put in many hours of work to make this meeting possible. We
hope you found this week’s sessions productive and useful.

As we close our final 2021 Public Meeting, we would be remiss if we didn't
remind you that the ICANN73 Community Forum is scheduled to occur in the
North American region from 5-10 March 2022. We look forward to your
participation in ICANN73!
Today: The ICANN Public Forum and 23rd Annual General Meeting
ICANN Public Forum
14:30-16:00 PDT (21:30-23:00 UTC)

ICANN 23rd Annual General Meeting
16:30-18:00 PDT (23:30-01:00 UTC)
Selected ICANN72 sessions will be livestreamed on YouTube as part of
ICANN's continuing efforts to increase accessibility. These view-only
livestreams provide a low-bandwidth alternative for attendees.

ICANN Public Forum
14:30-16:00 PDT (21:30-23:00 UTC)
Session details: https://go.icann.org/3aAL9H6
YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/T8dscBvx3Vo

ICANN 23rd Annual General Meeting
16:30-18:00 PDT (23:30-01:00 UTC)
Session details: https://go.icann.org/3oYTGMl
YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/Cv4pwl6_xPI
Community Sessions

GNSO: CPH Membership Meeting
09:00-10:00 PDT
16:00-17:00 UTC
Zoom 4

ccNSO Council Meeting
10:30 - 12:00 PDT
17:30-19:00 UTC
Zoom 2

GNSO: NCSG Membership Meeting
10:30 - 12:00 PDT
17:30-19:00 UTC
Zoom 4

GNSO Council Wrap-Up
12:30-14:00 PDT
19:30-21:00 UTC
Zoom 4

GAC Wrap-Up
12:30-14:00 PDT
19:30-21:00 UTC
Zoom 3

At-Large Leadership Wrap-Up
12:30-14:00 PDT
19:30-21:00 UTC
Zoom 1
Joint Sessions

ICANN Board and ccNSO Council
09:00-10:00 PDT
16:00-17:00 UTC
Zoom 6

ICANN Board and CPH
10:30 - 12:00 PDT
17:30-19:00 UTC
Zoom 6
ccNSO Council Meeting
The ccNSO Council will hold a public meeting today to discuss the next
steps following its session about DNS abuse and the ccNSO request to change
the ICANN Bylaws to include Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) ccTLD
managers in the ccNSO. Additional topics for the ccNSO Council meeting will
be made available on the ccNSO Council workspace
GAC to Meet with the Universal Acceptance Steering Group and to Continue
Drafting their Communiqué
The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) will meet with the
Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) to provide an update on the current
gaps encountered in Universal Acceptance while underscoring the role of
governments in achieving Universal Acceptance readiness. The second part of
the session will be dedicated to how the UASG can assist the GAC in
achieving Universal Acceptance.

In addition, the GAC plans to draft a communiqué reporting on discussions
held during ICANN72. For this communiqué, policy topics will include areas
such as the new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) subsequent procedures,
Domain Name System (DNS) abuse mitigation, and WHOIS and data protection,
along with internal operational matters such as GAC elections, GAC working
group updates, and its regular bilateral session with the ICANN Board, the
At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), and the Generic Names Supporting
Organization (GNSO). Traditionally, each GAC communiqué also provides the
opportunity for the GAC to convey consensus advice to the ICANN Board on
public policy matters.
Community Recognition
Community leaders from across the Supporting Organizations, Advisory
Committees, Customer Standing Committee, Nominating Committee, Root Zone
Evolution Review Committee, and the Empowered Community Administration will
be recognized during ICANN’s 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM). The ICANN
community develops and refines policies to ensure the security, stability,
and resiliency of the global Internet. The ICANN organization is proud to
facilitate this work and celebrates the contributions of our community
leaders. Each AGM, the ICANN organization, and the ICANN Board acknowledge
those community leaders who have concluded a term of service.

Join us as we celebrate the vibrant role and critical impact of the ICANN
Advancing Universal Acceptance with the GAC
On Thursday 28 October, join the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG)
as it meets with the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC). In this
session, the UASG will discuss the current gaps in UA and provide an
overview of how governments can help achieve UA-readiness. The GAC, made up
of 179 Member governments and 38 Observer organizations, presents a great
opportunity to promote UA around the world. If you’re interested in
achieving UA, don’t miss this session.

GAC Meeting with the UASG
17:30 UTC
SSAD ODP Update and Community Discussion
Don’t miss your chance to provide input on the System for Standardized
Access/Disclosure (SSAD)! The SSAD ODP Update and Community Discussion
session will be held on Thursday 28 October at 19:30 UTC. The session will
provide an update on the status of the Operational Design Phase (ODP) and
include a discussion with the community on specific aspects of the SSAD
including the role of Contractual Compliance, identity verification
methodology, and more. To help prepare for this session, please read the
latest blog on the SSAD ODP here

SSAD ODP Project Update #3 and Community Discussion
19:30 UTC
Plenary Session: Designing Hybrid ICANN Public Meetings to Equalize
In-Person and Remote Participation
Speakers from the Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries
(CENTR), Internet Governance Forum (IGF), European Dialogue on Internet
Governance (EuroDIG), ICANN org, and the Governmental Advisory Committee
(GAC) shared their experiences and perspectives toward designing future
hybrid ICANN Public Meetings. The session also included a lively discussion
on possible innovations that could allow for more interactive virtual


   - Chris Disspain welcomed panelists and participants with an
   introduction about the topic.
   - Barbara Povše discussed the setup for the upcoming CENTR annual
   meeting on 15 November 2021 in Brussels, Belgium.
   - Chengetai Masango spoke about the upcoming IGF meeting to be held 6-10
   December 2021 in Katowice, Poland.
   - Sandra Hoferichter gave updates about the regional EuroDIG event that
   was held in June 2021.
   - Ashwin Rangan from ICANN org described the lessons learned from the
   six virtual ICANN Public Meetings that have been held since March 2020.
   - Anna Goulden shared the GAC’s views on hybrid ICANN Public Meetings.
   - Maarten Botterman provided comments from the ICANN Board. Botterman
   reiterated that the ICANN Board will consider all the risk factors, such as
   vaccination status and availability, venue health and safety requirements,
   for future in-person ICANN Public Meetings to protect the health and safety
   of the ICANN community and ICANN org.
   - Chris Disspain moderated a conversation with participants through live
   audio questions and comments, questions, and suggestions in the chat pod.

Next Steps
Chris Disspain thanked the panelists and participants. The chat record,
transcripts, and suggestions for how to integrate in-person and remote
participants during hybrid ICANN Public Meetings have been published on the
session webpage. ICANN org will continue to facilitate this important

See the session materials here: Designing Hybrid ICANN Public Meetings to
Equalize In-Person and Remote Participation
Take a Break in the Fika Lounge

Today at 14:00 PDT (21:00 UTC)! Learn about navigating the virtual meeting,
play trivia, or try a new skill like origami.

Return of Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy
Disrupted by COVID-19 last year, the Asia Pacific Internet Governance
Academy (APIGA) returns this year with a newly adapted version of the
original five-day capacity-building program in Korea.

APIGA 2021
is an online program running for six weeks from 1 October to 12 November
2021 for Asia Pacific (APAC) youth leaders. The program overlaps with
ICANN72, so participants also received a tailored experience of an ICANN
Public Meeting. In addition to attending selected ICANN72 sessions,
participants were also able to network with ICANN Board members and key
Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee leaders from APAC.

APIGA will culminate with an ICANN Conference Roleplay
where participants will take on different stakeholders’ positions on a
current topic and seek to achieve consensus. For the first time, ICANN
community leaders will be invited to observe the Conference Roleplay on 9

Co-hosted by ICANN and the Korea Internet Security Agency (KISA), one in
four APIGA alumni continue to be actively involved in ICANN or the wider
Internet Governance ecosystem.
Manju Chen
Manju Chen is a researcher with the National Information Infrastructure
Enterprise Promotion Association (NIIEPA).

Chen has been attending ICANN Public Meetings regularly since ICANN61 in
San Juan, and became a member of the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group
(NCSG) in 2019. She represented NCSG in the EPDP Phase 2A working group and
will represent NCSG in the Registration Accuracy Scoping Team. She has also
been appointed as a councillor for the Generic Names Supporting
Organization (GNSO) Council, with her term beginning after the 2021 Annual
General Meeting.

Chen is an Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA) alumnus,
ICANN67 Fellow, and Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum
(APrIGF) 2020 Fellow. She is also a proud member of Youth4IG, a youth
coalition in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region that works to empower young
leaders and strengthen youth voices in the Internet governance ecosystem.
Chen believes the voice of the youth community is indispensable in a
healthy and strong multistakeholder model.
"Whenever you have the opportunity to learn something new, take it and put
it to good use."
Afi Edoh
Afi Edoh is a technical project management professional. She is part of the
technical group within the Adversary Group of the United Nations Internet
Governance Forum (IGF), which is responsible for organizing the annual
global IGF.
Edoh volunteers on a part time basis as a mentor and event organizer for
the Internet Society Togo chapter as well as the IGFs in Africa and West
Africa. She uses the opportunity to encourage young people to participate
in Internet-related topics. Through her volunteer positions, she was also
able to encourage others to get involved in ICANN's work in her region and
Her first ICANN meeting was ICANN70 as a Fellow. Even though it was a
virtual meeting, she felt that the turnout was excellent.
Edoh holds a master's degree in information technology from Sikkim Manipal
University. She also contributes blogs and articles as a fellow at the
Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa
"The Internet is a reflection of all of us globally and represents the true
sense of 'unity in diversity' principle. Eventually, I would like to give
back to the Fellows program in any way I can, perhaps by mentoring new
members and outreach."
Sai Prasad Chandrasekaran
Indiana University Bloomington
Sai Prasad Chandrasekaran is a newcomer to ICANN and is currently pursuing
his Master’s degree in Cybersecurity at Indiana University.

Chandrasekaran first ‘encountered’ ICANN while researching for a book he is
authoring and learnt of the nuances of Internet governance issues and
commitment of private and nonprofit organizations such as ICANN.

Chandrasekaran is excited about the opportunity to participate in ICANN72
and exchange perspectives on Internet governance and its related issues
with fellow participants. This could open the door for future collaboration
in future events. Chandrasekaran also hopes to spread awareness of ICANN’s
role and activities in his region and encourage participation from
under-represented communities.
#ICANNthrowback: Share Your ICANN Meeting Memories with Us
What are your favorite memories from past ICANN Public Meetings? Share them
with us! Post a pic from a previous Public Meeting to Twitter or Instagram
using hashtags #ICANNthrowback and #ICANN72. Photos will be featured in our
Flickr gallery.
ALAC community members headed to dinner in Panama City during ICANN62.
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*Caleb Ogundele*
Mobile: +1-204-558-6904
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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