[Npoc-discuss] NPOC Elections timeline 2022

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 21:06:22 UTC 2022

Greetings all NPOC members,

The NCSG is having their elections with the following timeline and I think
it will be good to follow their example and to have synchronised elections
among the NCSG. NPOC will thus have its elections with an identical

*26 April:* Check-in begins
*28 April - 05 May:* Nomination Period
*05 May:* Deadline for nomination acceptance and candidate statement.
*9 May (00:00 UTC) to 16 May (23:59 UTC): *Confidential, electronic voting
*17 May: *Announcement of results

- Check in is mandatory for voting and starts next Tuesday, 26th of April.
- NPOC members are free to self-nominate or nominate other members, but
nomination acceptance will only be accounted once we have the Candidate
Statement on this email list;
- Considering NPOC aims for balanced regional representation, we would like
to encourage candidates especially from North America and Asia to step up.

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