[Npoc-discuss] It's Day Two of ICANN73! Get Session Details, Livestream Links, and More in the #ICANN73 Newsletter

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 12:34:44 UTC 2022

#ICANN73 Newsletter
8 March 2022
ICANN Enacts Relief for Registrants in Ukraine and Surrounding Region
By Russ Weinstein, ICANN VP, GDD Accounts and Services

We are hearing from community members that registrants affected by the
troubling and tragic events in Ukraine and the surrounding region may be
unable to renew their domain names in a timely manner. As a result,
registrants risk losing their domain names due to circumstances beyond
their control.

To help these registrants, the events in Ukraine and the surrounding region
are now considered an extenuating circumstance under Section
of the 2013 Registrar
Accreditation Agreement
(RAA). ICANN previously invoked this in response to disruptions caused
by Hurricane
in 2017 and the COVID-19 pandemic
in 2020.

Read Russ' complete blog here
Celebrating an Important Woman in ICANN’s History
On International Women’s Day, ICANN is celebrating an inspiring woman who
played a key role in the formation of ICANN and the creation of the
multistakeholder model.

Professor Emerita Tamar Frankel has taught at the Boston University School
of Law since 1968. An expert in fiduciary law and corporate governance, in
1998 she joined the effort to design a not-for-profit corporation to manage
the Internet. The professor chaired three meetings of the International
Forum on the White Paper, which led to the establishment of ICANN.

Read the full blog
on Professor Frankel by ICANN's SVP of Global Communications, Sally Newell
Cohen, to learn more about her important contributions.

You can also learn more about the creation of ICANN by visiting the ICANN
History Project
How Quantum Computing Will Affect the DNS in the Future
By Paul Hoffman, ICANN Distinguished Technologist

The topic of quantum computing has appeared more often in the past few
years because more people are concerned about its possible effects on
security and privacy. If someone can build a very large quantum computer,
it would completely undermine the cryptography that is used in digital
signatures (such as those used in DNSSEC) and key exchanges for privacy
(such as those used in TLS).

Recently, ICANN's Office of the CTO published OCTO-031
"Quantum Computing and the DNS," based on recent research in the academic
cryptographic and quantum computing communities.

It explains the background for this concern, and also suggests how and when
it should be addressing quantum computing and cryptography. Because
implementation of quantum computers is a slow and expensive process, ICANN
org will continue to support the ICANN community in understanding this
technology and its effects on the security of the DNS.
Select ICANN73 sessions will be livestreamed on YouTube as part of ICANN's
continuing efforts to increase accessibility. These view-only livestreams
provide a low-bandwidth alternative for attendees.

Plenary Session: Evolving the DNS Abuse Conversation
9 March 2022
14:30–16:00 UTC
Session details: https://go.icann.org/33OJbTN
YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/Dgt4L6M2QVo

Plenary Session: Discussion Forum on Geopolitical, Legislative, and
Regulatory Developments
10 March 2022
16:30-18:00 UTC
Session details: https://go.icann.org/3M1q89W
YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/wwNbJtJqU6g

ICANN Public Forum
10 March 2022
18:30-20:00 UTC
Session details: https://go.icann.org/3Ipl2lw
YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/uwm0dOFX6sA

ICANN Public Board Meeting
10 March 2022
20:30-21:30 UTC
Session details: https://go.icann.org/3IsEkGP
YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/lKOluD8VXnc
[image: ICANN69 icon graphic ig]
ICANN73 sessions will be held in the San Juan, Puerto Rico time zone,
Atlantic Standard Time (AST) (UTC -4).
GAC Discussions on WHOIS/Data Protection
This session will discuss possible next steps for the Governmental Advisory
Committee (GAC) regarding the implementation of GAC Advice and
consideration of the new ICANN policy related to the Expedited Policy
Development Process on the Temporary Specification for generic top-level
domain (gTLD) Registration Data (EPDP-TempSpec). It will also consider the
scoping of possible work related to the accuracy of registration data.

GAC Discussions on IGO Matters and on WHOIS/Data Protection
8 March, 16:30 UTC
SSAC Public Meeting
This session is a public presentation where the Security and Stability
Advisory Committee (SSAC) will provide updates on its recent publications.
SSAC members will provide a detailed briefing on "SAC117: Report on Root
Service Early Warning Systems," "SAC118: SSAC Comments on Initial Report of
the EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data," and
"SAC119: Feedback to the GNSO Transfer Policy Review Policy Development
Process Working Group." SSAC members will also provide updates on ongoing
work parties, such as the Name Collision Analysis Project and the Routing
Security Work Party. The SSAC encourages questions from the community
during this session.

SSAC Public Meeting
| 8 March, 18:30 UTC
ccNSO Governance Session
This session begins discussions on the scope and relevance of the Country
Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Conflict of Interest (COI)
arrangements. In addition, it informs the ccNSO membership about the vote
on the new ccNSO rules, which would replace the current rules dating back
to 2004. The new rules will have a direct impact on the governance
structure of the ccNSO, specifically on the respective roles and
responsibilities of the ccNSO Council and ccNSO members. Voting starts
after ICANN73. In order for the new rules to be adopted, a vote by at least
86 ccNSO members is required, of which at least 66 percent needs to be in

ccNSO: Governance Session
| 8 March, 16:30 UTC
Plenary Session: The Global Public Interest Framework: Is it Useful? 
This session was held on Monday 7 March. If you missed the session, access
the recording and session information here
This plenary session explored the role of the global public interest (GPI)
framework at ICANN. The GPI framework
is designed to focus on specific contexts or issues that require a decision
by the ICANN Board. ICANN Board member Avri Doria discussed the Operational
Design Phase (ODP) for the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD)
as a use case where the GPI framework was part of ICANN Board
deliberations. Panelists from the Generic Names Supporting Organization
(GNSO) Council, Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), and At-Large then
engaged in a discussion on how the framework could best be used by the
ICANN community in its interactions with the ICANN Board. Marita Moll
moderated the plenary session.


   - Ergys Ramaj from ICANN org provided a brief overview of the GPI
   - Avri Doria from the ICANN Board outlined the purpose of the framework
   and encouraged the ICANN community to review and consider how it fits into
   its processes.
   - Justine Chew from the At-Large noted that, within the GPI framework,
   data should be collected to assess whether a decision was made in the GPI.
   - Velimira Grau from the GAC noted the challenge of balancing different
   interests to benefit the global public in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws.
   - Paul McGrady from the GNSO Council emphasized that the GPI framework
   is not solely a process. There are substantive GPI considerations as part
   of ICANN policy work, and inclusivity leads to better outcomes.
   - The ICANN community panelists agreed that there is wider use for the
   GPI framework and that further work to define the GPI as an evaluation tool
   is needed.

Next Steps
ICANN community groups will strive to further integrate the GPI framework
in their policy and advice work. The ICANN Board will continue its
consideration of the GPI in the context of the ODP for the SSAD. The GPI
framework will continue to evolve along with the work of ICANN and the
ICANN community.
GNSO: Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team Meeting
This session was held on Monday 7 March. If you missed the session, access
the recording and session information here
The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Registration Data Accuracy
Scoping Team provided an introduction to its work to consider a number of
accuracy-related aspects, including current enforcement and reporting,
measurement of accuracy, and effectiveness of existing accuracy
requirements. The team also reviewed the status of current work items,
including the review of gap analysis input proposals for how to measure
whether existing accuracy requirements are being met. There was also time
for participants to ask questions.


   - The Scoping Team reiterated its need to have concrete data points to
   confirm whether existing accuracy requirements are being met or if there
   are issues that may require either further consideration or additional
   policy work.
   - The ICANN Board liaison to the Scoping Team shared that the ICANN
   Board supports continued efforts to ensure the accuracy of registration
   data. To that end, the ICANN Board requested that the ICANN organization
   (ICANN org) prepare a number of specific scenarios in consultation with the
   European Data Protection Board. The goal is to determine if ICANN org has a
   legitimate purpose, which is proportionate and not outweighed by the
   privacy rights of the individual data subject(s), to request contracted
   parties to provide access to individual records and bulk access to
   registration data in order to review the accuracy of registration data.
   - The ICANN Board is of the view that this clarification will further
   inform discussions on this topic and will be helpful to address the issue
   of accuracy, as ICANN org could take further steps like restart the WHOIS
   Accuracy Reporting System (ARS).
   - The Scoping Team completed a first review of the Gap Analysis Data
   Collection Proposals
   These proposals include, among others, suggestions to survey registrars, to
   conduct a registrar audit, and to restart the ARS.
   - The working group will further discuss the current contractual
   requirements and enforcement construct
   during its next call.

Next Steps
The Scoping Team will continue to review the proposals for data collection
and identify which specific next steps to pursue. Its next call, which is
open to observers, will be held on Thursday, 17 March 2022 at 14:00 UTC.

View the ICANN73 schedule here
Reminder: You must be registered for ICANN73 and signed in to the ICANN73
meeting site to view the full schedule.
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