[Npoc-discuss] TIOF - Platform proposal for NPOC

Tapani Tarvainen npoc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Wed Oct 12 07:02:19 UTC 2022

On Oct 11 22:31, Tapani Tarvainen via Npoc-discuss (npoc-discuss at icann.org) wrote:

> First thing I'd want is to have a team of people to manage the
> process.

Let me qualify that a bit: I think that'd be necessary for a
big overhaul of our platform(s).

But we could also start with something less ambitious.

Like, pick up something small and mostly standalone you can implement
quickly without messing with existing website or mailing lists and
just offer to the ExCom and membership on a "try this out" -basis.

Maybe just take the first three lines from your proposed timeline:

>>- Make sure ICANN has no issues with automated SocMed
>>- Establish possible tagline/disclaimer for posts
>>- VBout >> SocMed

That should be fairly easy and doable without waiting for progress
on the other things in your plan.

Of course there's nothing stopping us from proceeding with other
things in parallel, if our EC thinks them worthwhile and can find
people to do them.

Tapani Tarvainen

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