[Npoc-discuss] [NPOC-EC] NPOC EC meeting minutes [10/10/2022] | Procès-verbal de la réunion du CE [Oct 2022]

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 19:54:42 UTC 2022

Thanks for the minutes Emmanuel, this is very well done and even with
translation - this might very well be the best minutes of an NPOC EC
meeting, ever! :)

It was a two hour meeting, and you've still managed to capture all the
relevant points. That's definitely laudable.

I would also like to remind that any NPOC member who would like to join the
EC meetings is free to do so. The next one is at 14 UTC, on next Monday.
Hopefully see you there!


On Wed, 19 Oct 2022, 22:33 Emmanuel Vitus via NPOC-EC, <npoc-ec at icann.org>

> Hello Listers,
> Please find attached herewith the minutes from the last NPOC Executive
> Committee Meeting. The meeting minutes will be posted on the NPOC website.
>  Best Regards,
>  Emmanuel
> ********
> Cher.e.s  membres de la communauté,
> Merci de trouver ci-joint le procès-verbal de la dernière réunion du
> comité exécutif du NPOC . Le procès-verbal de la réunion sera publié sur le
> site Web du NPOC.
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel
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