[Npoc-discuss] [NPOC-EC] NPOC Membership Meeting and Social Media Engagement @ ICANN75

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 01:18:22 UTC 2022

Thanks for the update, Caleb! :)


On Sun, 18 Sept 2022 at 03:59, Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele via NPOC-EC <
npoc-ec at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear NPOC Members,
> ICANN 75 is here again!
> I trust this email finds you well and we hope that you having a good
> weekend and getting set for ICANN 75 Remote Participation process for those
> who can't make it to the live meeting.
> To participate in the NPOC Meeting for members today,
> 15:00 MYT (UTC+8), 18 September 2022
> 07:00 UTC, 18 September 2022.
> Please use the following Zoom Link:
> *• Zoom Link:*
> https://icann.zoom.us/j/92458945915?pwd=YlZHQjJGQkw2Wk1hcDZnWVJWWjB2dz09
> • Zoom Session ID: 924 5894 5915
> • Zoom Session Passcode: s9ZaP3v=%T
> • Zoom International Dial-In Numbers: https://icann.zoom.us/u/ab6kkcYsw
> • Zoom Phone Passcode: 416 170 1230
> *NPOC on Social Media:*
> Please note that It is important NPOC's  social media presence is felt
> with your tweets and Facebook posts.
> This is a very good way to engage and try to influence NPOC's mission in
> all the ongoing conversations and let our voices be heard.
> For those participating remotely, you can create awareness by posting a
> photo of yourself attending ICANN75 Virtual Meeting sessions from your
> location and sharing it using the *#ICANN75* hashtag and *#NPOC* as well
> as hashtag of the city you are participating from.
> Help us create a virtual meeting photo gallery. Look forward to seeing you
> all in Kuala Lumpur and online!
> Don't forget that the schedules are already online here: *https://75.schedule.icann.org/
> <https://75.schedule.icann.org/>*
> *Twitter handles to follow*:
> https://twitter.com/NPOC_ICANN/
> <https://twitter.com/NPOC_ICANN/status/1190709134330662914?s=19>
> *What to do:*
>    - Draft catchy phrases
>    - Share pictures
>    - Retweet awesome tweets
>    - share remote meeting links, updates and summaries
>    - ask questions
>    - Share useful links and tips
> You can also reply to this message with your Twitter handle and hashtags
> to follow.
> *Some Remote Participation Tips:*
> To help reduce session disruptions, please do not share Zoom participation
> links on social media. However, we encourage you to share YouTube
> Livestream links (when available) on social media.
> To ensure transparency of participation in ICANN’s multistakeholder model,
> please remember to sign in to Zoom sessions using your full name (e.g.
> First Name + Last Name/Surname).
> *Interpretation Service:*
> • Languages Available: *English*
> • Zoom Interpretation: ICANN provides interpretation within the Zoom
> application. To use this feature, please download Zoom.:
> We look foward to having you join us.
> --
> *Caleb Ogundele*
> Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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> NPOC-EC mailing list
> NPOC-EC at icann.org
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