[Npoc-discuss] Welcoming our New NPOC Members

Arindam Bhattacharya arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org
Thu Apr 6 21:46:46 UTC 2023

Dear Caleb,

Here is the link to the recently uploaded public policy research paper 

The role of DNS security in mitigating cyber threats: An analysis of 
recent attacks and recommended strategies


Another one will be posted on Monday.

Best regards,

Arindam Bhattacharya
Stichting Advocacy Unified Network (AUN)
Fluwelen Burgwal 58 * 2511 CJ * The Hague * The Netherlands
E-mail: arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org
Website: www.aunetwork.org [1] * KvK 85838969 * RSIN 863761653

LinkedIn [2] | Twitter [3] | Facebook [4] | Instagram [5] | YouTube [6]

Are you a changemaker looking for connection and collaboration to have a 
say in the policy-making system? Become a member of the Advocacy Unified 
Network [7]!

On 2023-04-06 12:46, Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele wrote:

> @Arindam,
> An interesting body of work you are doing. Please note that we have a 
> Policy Committee and a Chair @Juan Manuel Rojas whom we can all work 
> together and make some policy comments on some of the work you are 
> doing.
> Find on this URL interesting Public comments you can contribute to.
> https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment?sort-param=upcoming-date&sort-direction=asc&upcoming-sort-param=upcoming-date&upcoming-sort-direction=desc&open-sort-param=open-closed-date&open-sort-direction=asc&pending-sort-param=pending-report-due-date&pending-sort-direction=desc''
> Caleb Ogundele
> On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 11:33 AM Arindam Bhattacharya 
> <arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org> wrote:
> Dear Caleb Ogundele,
> I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of Advocacy 
> Unified Network to express our gratitude for the warm welcome extended 
> to us as new members of NPOC. We are honored to join the community of 
> like-minded individuals who are dedicated to advocating for the 
> interests of non-commercial organizations in Internet governance.
> As the Chairman of Advocacy Unified Network, I would also like to take 
> this opportunity to share with you and the Membership Committee about 
> our ongoing policy research works. We believe that these topics are 
> important and timely, and we hope that they will contribute to the 
> broader discussions on Internet governance.
> Our policy research works include:
> * The role of DNS security in mitigating cyber threats: An analysis of 
> recent attacks and recommended strategies
> * Assessing the impact of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on privacy and security
> * Balancing user privacy and law enforcement access in DNS Records 
> retention policies
> * The ethical implications of DNS manipulation for political purposes
> We look forward to sharing our findings with the NPOC community and 
> engaging in productive discussions with fellow members.
> Thank you once again for welcoming us to NPOC. We look forward to 
> collaborating with you and other members in advancing the interests of 
> non-commercial organizations in Internet governance.
> Best regards,
> ---
> Arindam Bhattacharya
> Chairman
> Stichting Advocacy Unified Network (AUN)
> Fluwelen Burgwal 58 * 2511 CJ * The Hague * The Netherlands
> E-mail: arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org
> Website: www.aunetwork.org [1] * KvK 85838969 * RSIN 863761653
> -------------------------
> LinkedIn [2] | Twitter [3] | Facebook [4] | Instagram [5] | YouTube [6]
> Are you a changemaker looking for connection and collaboration to have 
> a say in the policy-making system? Become a member of the Advocacy 
> Unified Network [7]!
> On 2023-04-05 19:13, Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele via Npoc-discuss wrote:
> Dear NPOC Members,
> On behalf of the NPOC Executive Committee, Please join me in welcoming 
> our new members below.
> Organizational Members:
> * Advocacy Unified Network- NCSG,  NPOC represented by Bhattacharya 
> Arindam
> * Africa Media and Information Technology Initiative- NCSG, 
> NPOC-represented by Ibrahim Haruna Gazzali
> * Cyber Crime Awareness Foundation (CCA Foundation) - NCSG,  NPOC 
> represented by Mohammad Mostafizur Rahaman AP
> * Digital Agenda for Tanzania Initiative- NCSG, NPOC-represented by 
> Peter Mmbando
> * Finnish Internet Association (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Julf 
> Helsingius
> * Fundacao Estudar- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Cindyneia Cantanhede
> * India Internet Foundation NCSG, NPOC   represented by Anupam Agrawal
> * Internet Society Cameroon Chapter- NCSG, NPOC represented by Esther 
> Sandrine Ngom AF
> * Internet Society Ghana Chapter- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Francis 
> Acquah Amaning
> * ISOC Benin Chapter- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Harold Adjaho
> * ISOC Palestine (NCSG/NCUC)-represented by Zaher Qasssrawi
> * ISOC Uganda (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Joan Katambi
> * Lebanese Cyberspace Association-NCSG, NPOC-represented by Amin Hacha 
> AP
> * Libyan Internet society- NCSG,  NPOC- represented by Omar Shuran AF
> * Media Rights Agenda (MRA)-NCSG, NPOC-represented by Idowu Adewale
> * Nigerian Youth IGF-NCSG, NPOC-represented by Morisola Alaba
> * Organization for Digital Africa- NCSG,  NPOC- represented by Nazarius 
> Kirama AF
> * PPDC (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Simeon Favour
> * West Africa ICT Action Network (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Peterking 
> Quaye
> * Women in Technology (WITIN)- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Martha Alade
> As you are aware, Non-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency 
> (NPOC), is the home for not-for-profits which have a domain name and 
> want to participate in the making of policy that influences the current 
> internet infrastructure.
> As the Membership Committee Chair, I am happy to provide any necessary 
> help for our new and old members to become fully engaged within our 
> Constituency and our Stakeholder Group to facilitate the onboarding 
> process into our community - and you will find many members willing to 
> do the same!
> To better understand how to do that, you need to first understand 
> ICANN´s complex structure. As you already know from the application 
> process, NPOC is part of the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG), 
> which means that we represent the non-commercial interests of the 
> internet community. Specifically, those of non-for-profits.
> We believe that non-for-profits have to play a central role in 
> creating, discussing, and reviewing top-level domain names policy and 
> so have outlined some key steps you can take to familiarize yourself 
> with the process and get involved:
> 1. Understand what a domain name is: Learn more about the domain name 
> system (DNS) and the problems, challenges, and opportunities they bring 
> to the operation of organizations like yours. (Suggestion: read the 
> Beginners Guides [8])
> 2. Read the NPOC toolkit: Learn more about NPOC's work within ICANN, 
> the NPOC structure, current working groups, the role of the NPOC 
> Executive Committee (ExCom), including a glossary of acronyms, which we 
> know can be very tricky! (Suggestion: read NPOC Beginners Guide [9])
> 3. Learn about the policy-making process: Understand how to help create 
> and review policy, via the online working groups, public comments and 
> open discussions; or at the ICANN Meetings that take place three times 
> every year (Suggestion: Watch Policy Development Process Video [10]]
> 4. Get to know the other non-for-profits members of NPOC: You never 
> know what opportunities for collaboration and conversation exist. (See 
> our Members [11])
> 5. Understand the ICANN complex structure: start by checking the 
> organizational structure [12] for more information about the ICANN 
> hierarchy, then go through ICANN free-of-charge certified courses, 
> available on ICANN Learn [13].
> We also encourage you to follow our activity online:
> *
> NPOC website: www.npoc.org [14]
> *
> NPOC DISCUSS list: https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/npoc-discuss 
> [15]
> *
> NPOC Twitter: @NPOC_ICANN - Follow us and stay tuned!
> *
> NPOC Wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/txAQAg [16]
> Besides this, here are a list of other resources which may be useful:
> *
> ICANN acronyms: 
> https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/glossary-2014-02-03-en[icann.org] 
> [17]
> *
> How to get involved: 
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/How+To+Get+Involved[community.icann.org] 
> [18]
> *
> List of working groups and their members:
> *
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Getting+Involved+in+Working+Groups[community.icann.org] 
> [19]
> *
> Policy comments and statements:
> *
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Policy+Development[community.icann.org] 
> [20]
> *
> A one-stop page about ICANN's policy efforts:
> *
> http://gnso.icann.org/sites/gnso.icann.org/files/gnso/presentations/policy-efforts.htm[gnso.icann.org] 
> [21]
> *
> To catch up with ongoing discussion see the mailing list archive: 
> http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/npoc-discuss/ [22]
> I know that this can be overwhelming, so allow me to invite you to a 
> short introductory discussion or our next membership meeting when the 
> call is announced, where you can ask all your questions and discuss how 
> you can get involved.
> If you have any questions, comments, concerns,s or feedback please 
> don't hesitate to contact me directly, we will gladly help you!
> Let's start working together!
> Best wishes,
> Caleb Ogundele
> Membership Committee Chair
> on behalf of the Executive Committee Team
> --
> Caleb Ogundele
> Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
> _______________________________________________
> Npoc-discuss mailing list
> Npoc-discuss at icann.org
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> By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your 
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> accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy 
> (https://www.icann.org/privacy/policy) and the website Terms of Service 
> (https://www.icann.org/privacy/tos). You can visit the Mailman link 
> above to change your membership status or configuration, including 
> unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery 
> altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.


Caleb Ogundele
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com

[1] http://www.aunetwork.org
[2] https://www.linkedin.com/in/aunetwork/
[3] https://twitter.com/AUNetwrk
[4] https://www.facebook.com/AUNforSDGs
[5] https://www.instagram.com/aunetwrk/
[6] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmqDJZy8O-pzvbwj-FnkoUA
[7] https://aunetwork.org/aun-membership/
[8] https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/beginners-guides-2012-03-06-en
[9] https://www.npoc.org/about/what-is-npoc/beginners-guide-to-npoc/
[11] https://npoc.org/our-membership/
[12] https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/chart-2012-02-11-en
[13] https://learn.icann.org/#/catalog
[14] http://www.npoc.org/
[15] https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/npoc-discuss
[16] https://community.icann.org/x/txAQAg
[22] http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/npoc-discuss/
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