[Npoc-discuss] Welcoming our New NPOC Members

Arindam Bhattacharya arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org
Sun Apr 9 23:08:11 UTC 2023

Dear Juan,

I am sending my comments and suggestions about Transfer Policy Review 
PDP here, as I am facing some connection problems in editing the 
document provided through the link of your mail.

F1) Is additional data needed to support evaluation of the effectiveness 
of the TEAC mechanism?

Yes, additional data is needed to support the evaluation of the 
effectiveness of the TEAC mechanism.

The TEAC mechanism is an essential part of ensuring the stability and 
security of the DNS system in emergencies. While some information is 
available on the TEAC mechanism's effectiveness, there is certainly room 
for improvement in evaluating its performance.

One key area where additional data could be helpful is in measuring 
response time. It would be useful to track how quickly the TEAC 
mechanism is activated in response to an emergency situation and how 
quickly the relevant parties can provide assistance once they have been 
contacted. This information could identify areas where improvements can 
be made, such as streamlining the process for activating the mechanism 
or improving communication between the parties involved.

Another crucial area to consider is the quality of the response. It 
would be helpful to evaluate the effectiveness of the response provided 
by the TEAC mechanism in terms of its ability to address the emergency 
situation at hand. This could include looking at whether the response 
was timely, whether it was effective in mitigating the threat, and 
whether any additional support was required.

Finally, it may be helpful to look at the percentage of solitudes made 
to evaluate the effectiveness of the TEAC mechanism. This would involve 
tracking the number of times that the mechanism was activated but could 
not provide adequate support, either due to a lack of available contacts 
or other factors. By monitoring this metric, it may be possible to 
identify areas where additional resources or support are needed to 
improve the mechanism's effectiveness.

Overall, while some data is already available to evaluate the 
effectiveness of the TEAC mechanism, there is certainly room for 
improvement. By tracking response time, evaluating the quality of 
response, and monitoring the percentage of solitudes made, it may be 
possible to identify areas where improvements can be made to better 
support the stability and security of the DNS system in emergency 

What data is needed?

The data needed to activate the TEAC mechanism, if Registries and 
Registrars already have accurate contact information for the 
Registration Name Holder, then no additional data is required. If the 
contact information is unavailable, the Registration Name Holder's phone 
number and e-mail address should be sufficient to activate the TEAC 

It is also worth noting that ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the 
TEAC mechanism could provide valuable data to inform future improvements 
and ensure that the mechanism remains effective in addressing emergency 

F3) To what extent should the 4-hour time frame be revisited in light of 
these concerns? Are there alternative means to address the underlying 
concerns other than adjusting the time frame?

I suggest that any changes to the 4-hour time frame should be made with 
careful consideration of the potential impact on the effectiveness of 
the TEAC mechanism, as well as the potential cost and burden on 
registries, registrars, and other stakeholders involved in the process.

One alternative means to address the underlying concerns could be to 
enhance the quality of the information provided by domain name 
registrants at the time of registration. This would enable registries 
and registrars to more quickly and accurately identify the appropriate 
contacts for the TEAC mechanism, reducing the response time required.

Another alternative means could be to develop more automated tools for 
the TEAC mechanism, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning 
algorithms that can quickly and accurately identify and contact the 
appropriate parties in the event of an emergency.

F4) Section I.A.4.6.2 of the Transfer Policy states that "Communications 
to a TEAC must be initiated in a timely manner, within a reasonable 
period of time following the alleged unauthorized loss of a domain." The 
Transfer Policy Review Scoping Team noted that this timeframe should be 
more clearly defined. Is additional guidance needed to define a 
"reasonable period of time" after which registrars should be expected to 
use a standard dispute resolution process?

Additional guidance is needed to define a "reasonable period of time," 
after which registrars should be expected to use a standard dispute 
resolution process. Currently, the Transfer Policy does not provide a 
specific timeframe for when a TEAC must be initiated. It is up to the 
registrars to determine what is considered a reasonable period of time. 
This lack of clarity can lead to inconsistent policy application and 
potential abuse.

To address this concern, ICANN could provide more specific guidance on 
what constitutes a "reasonable period of time" to initiate a TEAC. This 
guidance could consider factors such as the nature of the alleged 
unauthorized loss, the complexity of the case, and any extenuating 
circumstances that may affect the timing of the TEAC initiation.

In addition to providing more guidance, ICANN could consider 
implementing a process for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the 
Transfer Policy. This could include regular audits of registrar 
practices, as well as penalties for non-compliance. By holding 
registrars accountable for adhering to the Transfer Policy, ICANN could 
help ensure that the TEAC mechanism is used appropriately and promptly.

F5) According to section I.A.4.6.2 of the Transfer Policy, the TEAC may 
be designated as a telephone number, and therefore some TEAC 
communications may take place by phone. The Transfer Policy Review 
Scoping Team flagged this provision as a potential item for further 
consideration. Do telephone communications provide a sufficient "paper 
trail" for registrars who may later wish to request a transfer "undo" 
based on failure by a TEAC to respond? Such a request would require the 
Registrar to provide evidence that a phone call was made and not 
answered, or a call back was not received within 4 hours. Noting this 
requirement, should the option to communicate by phone be eliminated? Is 
an authoritative "system of record" for TEAC communications warranted? 
If so, what are the requirements for such a system?

The use of telephone communication for TEAC may raise concerns about the 
ability to provide a sufficient "paper trail" in case of disputes 
between registrars and the TEAC. Registrars may need to provide evidence 
that a phone call was made and not answered or that a call back was not 
received within 4 hours to request a transfer "undo." Given this 
requirement, it is worth considering whether telephone communication is 
appropriate for TEAC communications or whether an alternative method 
should be used to provide a more evident record of the communication.

An alternative approach could be establishing an authoritative "system 
of record" for TEAC communications, for which e-mail is very suitable. 
This system could be designed to capture all TEAC communications and 
ensure that they are logged in a way that can be used to support 
subsequent disputes. The TEAC and the Registrar could use the system to 
ensure that all communications are accurately captured and stored, which 
could help mitigate any concerns about the sufficiency of telephone 
communication as a "paper trail."

Requirements for such a system could include capturing all 
communications between the TEAC and the Registrar, including any 
relevant metadata such as time and date stamps. The system should also 
be designed to ensure that the captured data is tamper-proof and cannot 
be altered after the fact. In addition, the system should be easily 
accessible to both the Registrar and the TEAC, with appropriate security 
controls in place to ensure that only authorized personnel can access 
the system.

Using telephone communication for TEAC may not provide a sufficient 
"paper trail" for registrars who may later wish to request a transfer 
"undo." Given this concern, it may be worth considering alternative 
methods of communication, such as establishing an authoritative "system 
of record" like e-mail for TEAC communications, which would capture all 
TEAC communications and provide a tamper-proof record that could be used 
to support subsequent disputes.

f6) The Transfer Policy Review Scoping Team indicated that there are 
several factors that make a Registry Operator's obligation to "undo" a 
transfer under Section 6.4 of the Transfer Policy challenging:

  	* Registry Operators do not have access to the designated TEACs for 
each Registrar, making validation of an undo request nearly impossible.
  	* There is no way for Registry Operators to independently verify that 
a Registrar did not respond within the required time frame or at all 
since Registry Operators are not a party to, or copied on, 
communications between the Registrar TEACs.
  	* Transfer "undo" requests associated with the failure of a TEAC to 
respond are unilateral so there is no validation required prior to a 
Registry Operator taking action. This has, on occasion, led to a "he 
said", "she said" scenario.
  	* Follow on to f6 iii., if the policy were to be updated to allow for 
some level of validation by the Registry Operator prior to taking 
action, the requirement to "undo" a transfer within 5 calendar days of 
receiving an TEAC undo request leaves little to no time to attempt to 
validate the request prior to taking the action

To address these challenges, revisiting the Transfer Policy and 
considering potential changes may be necessary. One possible solution 
could be to require Registrar TEACs to copy Registry Operators on all 
TEAC communications, providing them with visibility into the process and 
allowing for better validation of "undo" requests. Another solution 
could be establishing an authoritative system of record for TEAC 
communications, ensuring that all parties have access to the same 
information and reducing the likelihood of a "he said" or "she said" 
scenario. Additionally, it may be necessary to revisit the time frame 
for "undo" requests and consider whether a more extended period of time 
is needed to validate requests properly and avoid erroneous transfers.

F7) To what extent are changes to the policy needed to address these 
concerns? Are there other pain points for Registry Operators that need 
to be considered in the review of the policy in this regard?

The concerns the Transfer Policy Review Scoping Team raised regarding 
the challenges Registry Operators face to "undo" a transfer under 
Section 6.4 of the Transfer Policy are significant and require careful 
consideration. While it is clear that changes to the policy may be 
needed to address these concerns, it is also essential to consider other 
pain points for Registry Operators that may arise in the review of the 

One potential solution to address the concerns raised by the Transfer 
Policy Review Scoping Team could be to require Registrars to provide 
Registry Operators with access to the designated TEACs for each 
Registrar. This would enable Registry Operators to validate "undo" 
requests and independently verify that a Registrar did not respond 
within the required time frame or at all. It would also provide an 
authoritative "system of record" for TEAC communications that could be 
used as evidence to support transfer "undo" requests.

Another potential solution could be establishing a mechanism for 
validation by the Registry Operator before taking action on a transfer 
"undo" request. This would help ensure the request is legitimate and 
prevent the "he said" or "she said" scenario that sometimes arises. 
However, given the tight time frame for "undo" requests (5 calendar 
days), it may be challenging to implement a validation mechanism that 
does not unduly delay the process.

In addition to these potential solutions, it is essential to consider 
other pain points for Registry Operators that may arise in reviewing the 
policy. For example, Registry Operators may face challenges related to 
the availability of technical resources to manage transfer "undo" 
requests or the potential for abuse of the "undo" process by Registrars 
who may use it to circumvent legitimate transfers.

Changes to the policy will likely be needed to address the concerns 
raised by the Transfer Policy Review Scoping Team. However, it is 
important to carefully consider the potential impact of any changes on 
all stakeholders, including Registry Operators, Registrars, and domain 
name holders, and to work collaboratively to develop appropriate, 
effective, and sustainable solutions.

g1) Is there enough information available to determine if the TDRP is an 
effective mechanism for resolving disputes between registrars in cases 
of alleged violations of the IRTP? If not, what additional information 
is needed to make this determination?

The effectiveness of the Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy (TDRP) in 
resolving disputes between registrars in cases of alleged violations of 
the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) is a subject of debate. While 
some information is available regarding the TDRP's use and outcomes, it 
is unclear whether this is sufficient to determine its overall 

Additional information that may be useful in evaluating the TDRP's 
effectiveness includes:

The number of disputes that have been resolved through the TDRP compared 
to those resolved through other means, such as court proceedings or 

The average length of time it takes for disputes to be resolved through 
the TDRP

Feedback from registrars and other stakeholders regarding their 
experiences with the TDRP, including whether they believe it to be an 
effective mechanism for resolving disputes.

Furthermore, it may be beneficial to examine whether any systemic issues 
contribute to disputes between registrars and, if so, to identify ways 
to address these issues.

While some information regarding the TDRP's use and outcomes is 
available, additional data and stakeholder feedback may be needed to 
determine its effectiveness.

g2) The ADNDRC reported to the IRTP Part D Working Group that in some of 
the cases it processed, appellees and appellants failed to provide 
sufficient information to support arbitration. Is this an issue that 
needs to be examined further in the context of the policy?

  	* Are the existing informational materials about the TDRP sufficient 
to ensure that registrars understand the process and the requirements 
for filing a dispute, including the information they need to give to the 
dispute resolution provider

The issue of registrars failing to provide sufficient information to 
support arbitration is a concern that may need further examination in 
the context of the policy. It may be necessary to evaluate whether the 
existing informational materials about the TDRP are sufficient to ensure 
that registrars understand the process and the requirements for filing a 
dispute, including the information they must provide to the dispute 
resolution provider.

If registrars are unaware of the information required to support their 
case, it could lead to delays and inefficiencies in the dispute 
resolution process. It may be necessary to provide additional guidance 
and training to registrars on the TDRP process and the types of 
information required to support their claims.

Additionally, it may be necessary to evaluate whether the TDRP rules and 
procedures need to be updated to provide more clarity on the types of 
information that must be provided by the parties to the dispute. This 
could help ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of the 
evidence required to support their case and can provide it promptly and 

Additional examination and potential updates may be necessary to ensure 
that the TDRP is an effective mechanism for resolving disputes between 
registrars in cases of alleged violations of the IRTP.

g3) If the TDRP is considered to be insufficient:

  	* Are additional mechanisms needed to supplement the TDRP?
  	* Should the approach to the TDRP itself be reconsidered?

If the TDRP is found to be insufficient, additional mechanisms may need 
to be considered to supplement it. For example, an alternative dispute 
resolution mechanism could be developed, or existing tools could be 
enhanced. It may also be necessary to reconsider the approach to the 
TDRP itself, such as revising the criteria for eligibility to use the 
TDRP, providing more detailed guidance on the types of disputes that may 
be resolved through the TDRP, or increasing the role of ICANN in the 
TDRP process. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the TDRP will depend on 
how well it is designed and implemented and whether it adequately 
addresses the needs of registrars and the wider community.

g4) Are requirements for the processing of registration data, as 
specified in the TDRP, compliant with data protection law?

The answer to this question depends on the specific data protection laws 
in question, as requirements for processing registration data may vary 
by jurisdiction. However, the TDRP does include provisions related to 
data protection, such as requiring that all personal data be processed 
following applicable laws and regulations and providing for the 
redaction of specific personal data in documents submitted during the 
dispute resolution process.

If a specific jurisdiction has data protection laws that are more 
stringent than those outlined in the TDRP, it may be necessary to make 
adjustments to ensure compliance. Additionally, as data protection laws 
continue to evolve, it may be required to review and update the TDRP to 
ensure ongoing compliance periodically.

Warm regards,

Arindam Bhattacharya
Stichting Advocacy Unified Network (AUN)
Fluwelen Burgwal 58 * 2511 CJ * The Hague * The Netherlands
E-mail: arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org
Website: www.aunetwork.org [3] * KvK 85838969 * RSIN 863761653

LinkedIn [4] | Twitter [5] | Facebook [6] | Instagram [7] | YouTube [8]

Are you a changemaker looking for connection and collaboration to have a 
say in the policy-making system? Become a member of the Advocacy Unified 
Network [9]!

On 2023-04-08 13:37, Juan Manuel Rojas wrote:

> Dear Arindam and all,
> Thanks for share your knowledge and work with us. We hope you can work 
> together on the topics currently being discussed inside ICANN.
> We are waiting comments about Transfer Policy Review PDP, here: (until 
> April 18th)
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H2w9a9FvfSvFaVNeKMwcwKrfH9QcS1fesngxYvq_6Wc/edit
> Also we are accepting comments on the Draft about Phase 1 on 
> Internationalized Domain Names PDP Initial Report (attached file). Open 
> soon.
> Another public comment opened is the following:
> IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws Changes:(IFR)
> ICANN is in the middle of Bylaws Amendment Process specifically on 
> Articles 18 and 19 of ICANN Bylaws where is defined ICANN obligations 
> regarding IANA Function.
> You can read the proposed Amendments on this link:
> https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/additional-reviews/proposed-amendments-to-articles-18-and-19-icann-bylaws-08-03-2023-en.pdf 
> [1]
> In this occasion ICANN is looking for clarification to language to 
> avoid any change that could affect IANA Stewardship Transition.
> This opportunity will be open until April 18th.
> If anyone is interested on any of these topics to write or study a 
> topic related please write me back and we will work on this together. 
> Also let me invite you to join the GNSO WG opened to participate 
> currently.
> Best Regards,
> Director - MINKA DIGITAL Colombia
> NPOC Policy Chair - NCSG/GNSO
> Master IT candidate, UNAD
> Registered Linux User No.533108.
> Cel. +57 301 743 56 00
> Instagram/Twitter: @JmanuRojas [2]
> El jueves, 6 de abril de 2023, 04:46:52 p. m. GMT-5, Arindam 
> Bhattacharya <arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org> escribió:
> Dear Caleb,
> Here is the link to the recently uploaded public policy research paper 
> titled:
> The role of DNS security in mitigating cyber threats: An analysis of 
> recent attacks and recommended strategies
> https://aunetwork.org/the-role-of-dns-security-in-mitigating-cyber-threats-an-analysis-of-recent-attacks-and-recommended-strategies/
> Another one will be posted on Monday.
> Best regards,
> ---
> Arindam Bhattacharya
> Chairman
> Stichting Advocacy Unified Network (AUN)
> Fluwelen Burgwal 58 * 2511 CJ * The Hague * The Netherlands
> E-mail: arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org
> Website: www.aunetwork.org [3] * KvK 85838969 * RSIN 863761653
> -------------------------
> LinkedIn [4] | Twitter [5] | Facebook [6] | Instagram [7] | YouTube [8]
> Are you a changemaker looking for connection and collaboration to have 
> a say in the policy-making system? Become a member of the Advocacy 
> Unified Network [9]!
> On 2023-04-06 12:46, Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele wrote:
> @Arindam,
> An interesting body of work you are doing. Please note that we have a 
> Policy Committee and a Chair @Juan Manuel Rojas whom we can all work 
> together and make some policy comments on some of the work you are 
> doing.
> Find on this URL interesting Public comments you can contribute to.
> https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment?sort-param=upcoming-date&sort-direction=asc&upcoming-sort-param=upcoming-date&upcoming-sort-direction=desc&open-sort-param=open-closed-date&open-sort-direction=asc&pending-sort-param=pending-report-due-date&pending-sort-direction=desc''
> Caleb Ogundele
> On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 11:33 AM Arindam Bhattacharya 
> <arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org> wrote:
> Dear Caleb Ogundele,
> I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of Advocacy 
> Unified Network to express our gratitude for the warm welcome extended 
> to us as new members of NPOC. We are honored to join the community of 
> like-minded individuals who are dedicated to advocating for the 
> interests of non-commercial organizations in Internet governance.
> As the Chairman of Advocacy Unified Network, I would also like to take 
> this opportunity to share with you and the Membership Committee about 
> our ongoing policy research works. We believe that these topics are 
> important and timely, and we hope that they will contribute to the 
> broader discussions on Internet governance.
> Our policy research works include:
> * The role of DNS security in mitigating cyber threats: An analysis of 
> recent attacks and recommended strategies
> * Assessing the impact of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on privacy and security
> * Balancing user privacy and law enforcement access in DNS Records 
> retention policies
> * The ethical implications of DNS manipulation for political purposes
> We look forward to sharing our findings with the NPOC community and 
> engaging in productive discussions with fellow members.
> Thank you once again for welcoming us to NPOC. We look forward to 
> collaborating with you and other members in advancing the interests of 
> non-commercial organizations in Internet governance.
> Best regards,
> ---
> Arindam Bhattacharya
> Chairman
> Stichting Advocacy Unified Network (AUN)
> Fluwelen Burgwal 58 * 2511 CJ * The Hague * The Netherlands
> E-mail: arindam.bhattacharya at aunetwork.org
> Website: www.aunetwork.org [3] * KvK 85838969 * RSIN 863761653
> -------------------------
> LinkedIn [4] | Twitter [5] | Facebook [6] | Instagram [7] | YouTube [8]
> Are you a changemaker looking for connection and collaboration to have 
> a say in the policy-making system? Become a member of the Advocacy 
> Unified Network [9]!
> On 2023-04-05 19:13, Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele via Npoc-discuss wrote:
> Dear NPOC Members,
> On behalf of the NPOC Executive Committee, Please join me in welcoming 
> our new members below.
> Organizational Members:
> * Advocacy Unified Network- NCSG,  NPOC represented by Bhattacharya 
> Arindam
> * Africa Media and Information Technology Initiative- NCSG, 
> NPOC-represented by Ibrahim Haruna Gazzali
> * Cyber Crime Awareness Foundation (CCA Foundation) - NCSG,  NPOC 
> represented by Mohammad Mostafizur Rahaman AP
> * Digital Agenda for Tanzania Initiative- NCSG, NPOC-represented by 
> Peter Mmbando
> * Finnish Internet Association (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Julf 
> Helsingius
> * Fundacao Estudar- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Cindyneia Cantanhede
> * India Internet Foundation NCSG, NPOC   represented by Anupam Agrawal
> * Internet Society Cameroon Chapter- NCSG, NPOC represented by Esther 
> Sandrine Ngom AF
> * Internet Society Ghana Chapter- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Francis 
> Acquah Amaning
> * ISOC Benin Chapter- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Harold Adjaho
> * ISOC Palestine (NCSG/NCUC)-represented by Zaher Qasssrawi
> * ISOC Uganda (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Joan Katambi
> * Lebanese Cyberspace Association-NCSG, NPOC-represented by Amin Hacha 
> AP
> * Libyan Internet society- NCSG,  NPOC- represented by Omar Shuran AF
> * Media Rights Agenda (MRA)-NCSG, NPOC-represented by Idowu Adewale
> * Nigerian Youth IGF-NCSG, NPOC-represented by Morisola Alaba
> * Organization for Digital Africa- NCSG,  NPOC- represented by Nazarius 
> Kirama AF
> * PPDC (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Simeon Favour
> * West Africa ICT Action Network (NCSG/NPOC)-represented by Peterking 
> Quaye
> * Women in Technology (WITIN)- NCSG, NPOC-represented by Martha Alade
> As you are aware, Non-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency 
> (NPOC), is the home for not-for-profits which have a domain name and 
> want to participate in the making of policy that influences the current 
> internet infrastructure.
> As the Membership Committee Chair, I am happy to provide any necessary 
> help for our new and old members to become fully engaged within our 
> Constituency and our Stakeholder Group to facilitate the onboarding 
> process into our community - and you will find many members willing to 
> do the same!
> To better understand how to do that, you need to first understand 
> ICANN´s complex structure. As you already know from the application 
> process, NPOC is part of the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG), 
> which means that we represent the non-commercial interests of the 
> internet community. Specifically, those of non-for-profits.
> We believe that non-for-profits have to play a central role in 
> creating, discussing, and reviewing top-level domain names policy and 
> so have outlined some key steps you can take to familiarize yourself 
> with the process and get involved:
> 1. Understand what a domain name is: Learn more about the domain name 
> system (DNS) and the problems, challenges, and opportunities they bring 
> to the operation of organizations like yours. (Suggestion: read the 
> Beginners Guides [10])
> 2. Read the NPOC toolkit: Learn more about NPOC's work within ICANN, 
> the NPOC structure, current working groups, the role of the NPOC 
> Executive Committee (ExCom), including a glossary of acronyms, which we 
> know can be very tricky! (Suggestion: read NPOC Beginners Guide [11])
> 3. Learn about the policy-making process: Understand how to help create 
> and review policy, via the online working groups, public comments and 
> open discussions; or at the ICANN Meetings that take place three times 
> every year (Suggestion: Watch Policy Development Process Video [12]]
> 4. Get to know the other non-for-profits members of NPOC: You never 
> know what opportunities for collaboration and conversation exist. (See 
> our Members [13])
> 5. Understand the ICANN complex structure: start by checking the 
> organizational structure [14] for more information about the ICANN 
> hierarchy, then go through ICANN free-of-charge certified courses, 
> available on ICANN Learn [15].
> We also encourage you to follow our activity online:
> *
> NPOC website: www.npoc.org [16]
> *
> NPOC DISCUSS list: https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/npoc-discuss 
> [17]
> *
> NPOC Twitter: @NPOC_ICANN - Follow us and stay tuned!
> *
> NPOC Wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/txAQAg [18]
> Besides this, here are a list of other resources which may be useful:
> *
> ICANN acronyms: 
> https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/glossary-2014-02-03-en[icann.org] 
> [19]
> *
> How to get involved: 
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/How+To+Get+Involved[community.icann.org] 
> [20]
> *
> List of working groups and their members:
> *
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Getting+Involved+in+Working+Groups[community.icann.org] 
> [21]
> *
> Policy comments and statements:
> *
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Policy+Development[community.icann.org] 
> [22]
> *
> A one-stop page about ICANN's policy efforts:
> *
> http://gnso.icann.org/sites/gnso.icann.org/files/gnso/presentations/policy-efforts.htm[gnso.icann.org] 
> [23]
> *
> To catch up with ongoing discussion see the mailing list archive: 
> http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/npoc-discuss/ [24]
> I know that this can be overwhelming, so allow me to invite you to a 
> short introductory discussion or our next membership meeting when the 
> call is announced, where you can ask all your questions and discuss how 
> you can get involved.
> If you have any questions, comments, concerns,s or feedback please 
> don't hesitate to contact me directly, we will gladly help you!
> Let's start working together!
> Best wishes,
> Caleb Ogundele
> Membership Committee Chair
> on behalf of the Executive Committee Team
> --
> Caleb Ogundele
> Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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> above to change your membership status or configuration, including 
> unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery 
> altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.


Caleb Ogundele
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com

[2] http://www.twitter.com/jmanurojas
[3] http://www.aunetwork.org
[4] https://www.linkedin.com/in/aunetwork/
[5] https://twitter.com/AUNetwrk
[6] https://www.facebook.com/AUNforSDGs
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[8] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmqDJZy8O-pzvbwj-FnkoUA
[9] https://aunetwork.org/aun-membership/
[11] https://www.npoc.org/about/what-is-npoc/beginners-guide-to-npoc/
[13] https://npoc.org/our-membership/
[14] https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/chart-2012-02-11-en
[15] https://learn.icann.org/#/catalog
[16] http://www.npoc.org/
[17] https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/npoc-discuss
[18] https://community.icann.org/x/txAQAg
[24] http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/npoc-discuss/
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