[Npoc-discuss] Call for NCSG EC and FC representatives

Juan Manuel Rojas jumaropi at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 15:19:45 UTC 2023

Dear NPOC members,

We are initiating the process to update our representation on the NCSG Executive Committee (EC) and the NCSG Finance Committee (FC). We invite interested members who have not previously served on these committees, are active participants in NPOC, and have been longstanding members of our constituency. Please find below the descriptions of the NCSG EC and NCSG FC as outlined in the NCSG charter.
Executive Committee (NCSG‑EC): 
The NCSG Executive Committee is responsible for working with the NCSG Chair to make sure the NCSG functions according to its mission and principles. The NCSG-EC is responsible for supervising and monitoring the NCSG Chair’s performance of executive functions, and the NCSG-EC may call for a new chair election. The NCSG‑EC is also responsible for establishing and overseeing membership criteria, rules, and procedures as outlined in Section 2.2, as well as  reviewing and approving applications to form new Constituencies in accordance with the Section 2.3 below and any applicable Constituency Recognition Process approved by the ICANN Board of Directors. The NCSG-EC’s formation,  functions, composition and duties within the NCSG are set out in Section 2.4
NCSG Finance Committee (NCSG‑FC):
The NCSG Finance Committee is responsible for establishing a firm financial footing for the NCSG and administering NCSG funds within a defined framework that meets relevant legal requirements as well as requirements imposed by ICANN. The NCSG-FC’s responsibilities include fund raising, setting voluntary contribution levels for members, determining procedures for the distribution of funds, and for monitoring the utilization of funds. The NCSG‑FC will also be responsible for the Treasurer function. Formation of the NCSG-FC, its composition, and duties within the NCSG‑FC are set out in Section 2.6.
  Kindly submit your expression of interest to andrea.glandon at icann.org by January 19th. Ensure to include details about your involvement within NPOC, NCSG, and the broader GNSO community. Prior experience in GNSO and NCSG is a prerequisite.

Best Regards, 

Director - MINKA DIGITAL ColombiaNPOC Chair - NCSG/GNSO
MSc. Information Technology
Registered Linux User No.533108.

Cel. +57 301 743 56 00
Instagram/Twitter: @JmanuRojas

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