[Npoc-discuss] Questions to ICANN board

Tapani Tarvainen npoc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Wed Mar 1 06:43:47 UTC 2023

If you do ask about carbon neutrality, how about spicing it up by
asking why ICANN (or at least Constituency Travel) so strongly prefers
flying over ground transport. That is, why don't they pay for (long
distance) train or bus travel as an alternative to flying. Besides
being more climate-friendly it would even save ICANN money, and in
many instances it'd be just as fast or even faster than flying.


On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 04:17:49PM +0200, Raoul Plommer via Npoc-discuss (npoc-discuss at icann.org) wrote:
> Dear members,
> The ICANN board wants some questions from us. Can you think of some
> relevant ones?
> I think 2-3 questions would suffice. If we can only come up with a couple
> of NPOC relevant questions, I think I might include a question about ICANN
> becoming carbon neutral. It would be great if I could receive these
> suggestions by Friday.
> -Raoul

Tapani Tarvainen

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