[Npoc-discuss] Public comments opened

Juan Manuel Rojas jumaropi at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 23 17:24:50 UTC 2023

Dear NPOC Community,

On this mail I am sending to you some of Public Comments currently opened to make comments, suggestions and observations on the following topics:

IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws Changes:(IFR)
ICANN is in the middle of Bylaws Amendment Process specifically on Articles 18 and 19 of ICANN Bylaws where is defined ICANN obligations regarding IANA Function. 

 You can read the proposed Amendments on this link:
In this occasion ICANN is looking for clarification to language to avoid any change that could affect IANA Stewardship Transition.

This opportunity will be open until April 18th.

Be aware from next opening for public comments

Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process:
The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

Phase 1 Initial Report of EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names
This Public Comment proceeding seeks input on the EPDP Team's proposed recommendations regarding the definition and variant label management mechanism of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).

NomComRIWG Proposed Changes to Bylaws and Standing Committee Charter
Four (4) recommendations from the Nominating Committee Review require amendments to the ICANN Bylaws. For efficiency, they are grouped together with the draft NomCom Standing Committee Charter, so that the ICANN community and the ICANN Board can follow a single process for the entire group. Note: NomComRIWG is the Nominating Commitee Review Implementation Working Group.

If anyone is interested on any of these topics to write or study a topic related please write me back and we will work on this together previously to uploading it to NCSG Policy Committee.

Best Regards,

Director - MINKA DIGITAL ColombiaNPOC Policy Chair - NCSG/GNSO
Master IT candidate, UNAD
Registered Linux User No.533108.

Cel. +57 301 743 56 00
Instagram/Twitter: @JmanuRojas

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