[Npoc-discuss] Nomination of Caleb OGUNDELE as the incoming Chair of NPOC

Olévié A. A Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Mon May 8 11:53:12 UTC 2023

dear Caleb and all,

Please, do accept here my nomination of your kind person as the incoming
Chair of the NPOC.
You've done such a great works within the NPOC-EC during these 3 past
I've confidence on you.
In plus of your actual position as ISOC Board Member, NPOC has a chance to
benefit from you now; That's my own conviction.
Warm regards

*Olévié A. A. KOUAMI **Abd-El-Raouf *
CTO de l'*INTIC4DEV* (Institut ds TIC pour le développement)
CEO de Ets "*Le FA de la Téranga*"
Vice-Chair *IS3C WG4 on Communication (IGF/FGI)*
*Making the Internet more secure and safer*
*Rendre Internet plus sécurisé et plus sûr*
Tél.: (+221) 77 422 16 47 (Orange)
Tel.: (Togo) : +228 90 98 86 50
*Skype : olevie1   FaceBook : @olivier.kouami.7 Twitter : #oleviek
Popenguine, région de Thiès - SENEGAL-
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