[Npoc-discuss] Invitation and updates for ICANN79: Policy engagement & participation

Emmanuel Vitus emmanuelvitus at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 14:23:48 UTC 2024

Dear NPOC Members,
I trust this message finds you well. As ICANN79 approaches, I extend a warm
invitation to register <https://meetings.icann.org/en/meetings/icann79/>
for the event if you haven't already done so. Please ensure to do this at
your earliest convenience. Amidst our ongoing policy efforts at NPOC, I
wish to highlight two key initiatives FYA during the upcoming meeting:

   1. *Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process (PDP): * The group
   is gearing up to seek input from the ICANN community on draft
   recommendations concerning Change of Registrant (COR) and post
   inter-registrar transfer locks. I encourage you to participate in their
   meetings during ICANN79 on Saturday, March 2nd, from 13:15–14:30 and
   15:00–16:00 UTC-4.
   2. *Expedited Policy Development Process for Internationalized Domain
   Names Working Group (EPDP-IDNs):* This group is nearing the completion
   of its Phase 2 Initial Report, including preliminary recommendations
   regarding second-level variant management. Join the EPDP-IDNs session on
   Saturday, March 2nd, from 09:00–10:00 to delve deeper into this EPDP and
   contribute our perspectives for when the public comment period opens.

Also, please mark your calendars for the Membership Session NPOC and the
GNSO Council meetings, including joint sessions, throughout ICANN79. These
sessions offer invaluable insights into ongoing policy development efforts
and updates. Most Council working sessions will occur on Sunday, March 3rd,
from 9 am to 2 pm local time, with the council meeting scheduled for March
6th from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Additionally, there will be joint sessions with the ICANN Board on March
4th from 3 pm to 4 pm and with the GAC on March 6th at 9 am.

For our members who are new to this environment, I encourage you to
participate in the prep week activities scheduled for February 20th, 21st,
and 22nd. Please register  on the meeting website
<https://meetings.icann.org/en/meetings/icann79/>, review the schedule and
ensure to add these sessions to your calendar. Prep Week sessions will be
conducted in English and will feature remote simultaneous interpretation in
Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish.

Lastly, I urge you to explore the Open proceedings for public comment
<https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment>. Should you wish to contribute,
feel free to reach out to me directly for guidance.

Looking forward to connecting with you all during the prep week and ICANN79.

*PS: Please note that all mentioned times are in UTC-4.*
Warm regards,

Emmanuel Vitus
NPOC Policy Chair
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