[Npoc-discuss] Emergency aid from ICANN

Judith Hellerstein judith at jhellerstein.com
Fri Jan 12 14:29:06 UTC 2024

Hi Julf
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it. The war would end pretty quickly if Hamas would give back the hostages instead they are using them as human shields to prevent being killed. I really cannot fathom people who believe it is ok to take babies, kids hostage who allow others to rape, abuse and do other violations to people which is what Hamas does. Also the Red Cross is complicit as they refuse to pass on or provide life saving medicine to the hostages or even visit the hostages which is one of their main jobs. But yet the will pass on other things Hamas needs so cannot understand that 

 Additionally Hamas is taking all the humanitarian aid that is being given for the citizens for their fighters and not giving it to the citizens in Gaza so really a complicated issue 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 12, 2024, at 9:20 AM, Johan Helsingius via Npoc-discuss <npoc-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
> Seems that in that conflict there are no good guys. Yes, SA has taken
> Israel to the International Court of Justice, but the arguments
> apply just as well to Hamas - it is just that Hamas isn't a
> state or country that you could take to the ICJ.
> The conflict in Ukraine is a more clear-cut case, where it is
> clear who the aggressors are.
>    Julf
>> On 12/01/2024 15:06, Poncelet Ileleji via Npoc-discuss wrote:
>> Hello Glenn,
>> I don't think any, its something as NPOC  we can advocate and push for, especially now the South Africans have taken Israeli to the court in the Hague, there has to be equity  in how ICANN acts in regards to Internet Access especially with the vulnerabilities we see in the Gaza area.
>> Just my thoughts on how ICANN Addresses it its up to NPOC  to put in a position paper for support if we have a complete consensus in NPOC to push for this.
>> Kind Regards
>> Poncelet
>> *Poncelet O. Ileleji
>> *
>> *Jokkolabs Banjul -  Lead / CEO
>> *
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>> *LinkedIn: Jokkolabs Banjul
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>> *
>> On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 1:37 AM Glenn McKnight via Npoc-discuss <npoc-discuss at icann.org <mailto:npoc-discuss at icann.org>> wrote:
>>    HI All
>>    I wonder how much aid ICANN has supplied to GAZA vs their support to
>>    the Ukraine
>>    Here is the 2022 support to Ukraine
>>    https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/icanns-emergency-assistance-program-framework-for-continued-internet-access-18-01-2023-en <https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/icanns-emergency-assistance-program-framework-for-continued-internet-access-18-01-2023-en>
>>    The ongoing reporting in Gaza  has reported  loss of Internet Access
>>    https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-internet-phone-outage-connected-1.7037771 <https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/gaza-internet-phone-outage-connected-1.7037771>
>>    Glenn McKnight, MA
>>    Virtual School of Internet Governance
>>    Chief Information Officer
>>    www.virtualsig.org <http://www.virtualsig.org>
>>    *Mobile  437-237-4655*
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