[Npoc-discuss] New charter elections starting on this election

Juan Manuel Rojas jumaropi at yahoo.com
Mon May 6 20:01:35 UTC 2024

Dear all, 

As you may be aware, election season is approaching for our constituency. While this will be the same process for membership as in previous years, there will be one change that you should be aware of this time around. This is the first election that will impact the NPOC under the new charter, which will go into effect at the upcoming Annual General Meeting in Istanbul this November.

The NPOC finished the new Charter in May 2022. The amended charter for the Not-for-Profit Organizations Constituency (our new name) was approved by the Board on 11 June, 2023.  Among others, this document changed our name, reflects our current practices, aligns us with our operating procedures, and accommodates our evolving needs. It also considered best practices in the GNSO Operating Procedures, Work Stream 2 Recommendation 6, and the ICANN Bylaws.

As part of the process, the ICANN Board OEC oversaw a 41-day Public Comment proceeding. The NPOC addressed all relevant Public Comment feedback through revisions to its operating procedures. Here is the Board Resolution for the NPOC Charter Amendments.

Some other specific changes include: Criteria for appointing organizational or alternate representatives; expanded provisions regarding Executive and Policy Committee roles, responsibilities, and eligibility; and provisions for engagement and outreach, which acknowledge the potential for future NPOC representation to other ICANN community groups.

Of note for this election is the new make up of the Executive Committee. There will be four positions to contest, a Chair, a Policy Coordinator (who is also chair of the Policy Committee), an Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, and a Secretary. Those currently serving in positions on the EC will be able to run for these new positions as outlined in the charter and under the updated guidelines for term limits as the term limits have reset with the new position and composition coming into place when the new officers are seated after finishing ICANN81(AGM 2024). 
Best Regards,

M.Sc. Information Technology

Registered Linux User No.533108.

Cel. +57 301 743 56 00
Instagram: jmanurojas

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