[Npoc-discuss] Endorsements For NPOC Upcoming Elections

Arsène Tungali arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Mon May 13 16:54:20 UTC 2024

Dear Bolutife,

Thanks for writing, I first received this off list and responded to check
whether you did not mean to send it to the list. I am glad to see you post
it to the list as a good way to continue the conversation.

My quick comments inline as I am boarding a flight soon.

Thank you,
Le lun. 13 mai 2024 à 18:40, Bolutife Adisa <adisabolutifeo at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Dear Arsène,
> Firstly, I would like to point out that your comment ‘…This is where you
> started making more sense and I thank you for speaking…’ is quite
> distasteful and blatantly rude considering the previous commenter didn’t
> attack your person in any way. I believe this is also below ICANN’s
> standard of cordial engagement (I would expect you to know that since you
> have 10years experience).

I would like to use this opportunity to publicly apologize for that. I did
not intend to be rude to my friend and colleague Poncelet. I think it is an
issue with language as I often think in French first before writing in
English. But that's not an excuse, I hope Poncelet and everyone else accept
my sincere apologies.

> To the matter at hand, I think it is quite ridiculous for you to ask
> people who are willing to volunteer within the constituency to step-down.
> The charter clearly defines who is eligible to contest while the NPOC
> community has the right to decide who leads through the voting process. I
> am confounded as to why you think you deserve the right to undermine the
> electoral freedom of NPOC members?

I am sure you can see my point beyond that, if you try to. My intentions
are very far from what you point here. I did not ask anyone to step down
but I encouraged people including the current nominees to be part of the
work to onboard new blood as a way to deal with burnout that our leaders
always face, including myself as a past leader. Maybe it was better said in
my send message than the first one. I hope this clarifies my point.

> Like Poncelet rightly said, NPOC leadership is a volunteer position that
> requires a lot of time commitment and interest in policy work. While it is
> a nice to have, It is not part of our job description to mentor people to
> become active contributors, we are all volunteers with different levels of
> time availability. However, we have seen people who show commitment take
> over leadership in recent past, I myself have been a case study. All
> members have a chance to demonstrate the extent to which they are willing
> to volunteer by showing their valuable contributions to policy via the NCSG
> as well as supporting NPOC work via meetings, working groups and public
> comments.

+  1 and congrats to the work you and everyone else is doing! But, our
leaders should consider (and I am sure they do) that as part of their job
description, even if it is not written bluntly on paper. If not, what's the
point of being a leader if you cannot mentor those who will serve after you?

> Campaign period is where we get a chance to share our contributions to
> NPOC and the members decide because they see who is working and who isn’t.
> They are also aware of those who only show up every election cycle/ when
> there are travel opportunities announced.

I look forward to that time. And I really hope we have many other nominees
so that we get a chance to see the various visions people have for NPOC
because this is the only time we get to do that. And I have seen those
elected use part of what others expressed as their vision (if elected)
during their term as a way to improve our work and processes. We need that!

> I personally will not be stepping down in the coming election, as I am
> willing and ready to serve the constituency and I hope my other colleagues
> will decide based on their personal circumstances and not because someone
> makes a demand of them to step aside.

Please don't step down and it is good that you accept the nomination. I am
sure staff will note that already.

> Thanks to all our members for your trust in our leadership.
> I rest my case (for now).
> Best regards,
> Bolutife Adisa.
> On 13. May 2024, at 17:34, Arsène Tungali via Npoc-discuss <
> npoc-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
> Dear Poncelet,
> My comments in line below.
> On Mon, 13 May 2024 at 16:57 Poncelet Ileleji <pileleji at jokkolabs.co>
> wrote:
>> Dear Arsene,
>> Afternoon, Injecting into your response, I suppose you might not know
>> well the history of NPOC as I have been there since inception over a decade
>> ago, the commitment to the work is key as its  voluntary, as someone who
>> have served in voluntary organisations like YMCA now as my Local Rotary
>> Club president, I know what it takes to volunteer and walk the talk, these
>> gentlemen have done that so far.
> This first paragraph is not helpful nor constructive in any way here
> considering the matter I brought for conversation. I joined the NCSG in
> 2014, it has been 10 years! I know the history of its constituencies but
> that’s not the point here, telling us who is old or not.
>> Lastly our New Charter is just coming to life and it's good we allow
>> institutional memory from those who were involved in the Charter coming  to
>> life to see the new charter coming into life properly and then the
>> mentorship begins properly after this new cycle.  We can only mentor when
>> folks come forward and in terms of Outreach and engagement with the new
>> member organisations of NPOC we shall see activity coming up soon.  Even
>> within NCSG we see that those committed to doing the work that are at the
>> forefront, the names speak for themselves.  Your concerns are noted but
>> let's be practical and know we just have a new charter in place.
> This is where you started making more sense and I thank you for speaking.
> The point of me writing this was to sparkle real conversation on the issue
> of new blood and of mentoring. And I hope people won’t just comment with
> +1s but will contribute with ideas. I have exchanged privately with people
> who see my point and who agree with me but they are afraid of coming up to
> the list and speak.
> There is so much hypocrisy on this list, this is not helpful at all if we
> really need to build and sustain our work and constituency here. People are
> afraid to speak up their mind, that’s why there is less conversations, be
> it on policy or even on any other matter. People are simply reading but not
> speaking !
> The leadership and our long time members like yourself need to encourage
> new commers to speak and to step forward to take on and compete for roles
> rather than being intimidated when they see some names being put forward !
> I know how good and capable our colleagues, Juan, Bolifite, Caleb and
> Emmanuel are, I can attest to the work each one of them has done
> individually and together as a body to take us where we are. But my point
> still stands!
> I really encourage the current leadership to each nominate new people they
> have mentored and encourage them to step up for the work. We can keep the
> Chair and Policy positions for experienced members but for the two others,
> let’s give a chance to new people who will learn by doing. The narrative of
> saying « those who are interested should come forward » has proved to not
> work for the time I have been in ICANN.
> Thank you for reading and please do not respond privately, speak on the
> list !
> Regards,
> Arsene
> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 1:47 PM Arsène Tungali <arsenebaguma at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Colleagues,
>>> I know the listed colleagues are great and they have been around these
>>> positions for very longer. I don’t have any issue with any of them in
>>> particular or if NPOC membership decide to bring them back but I am
>>> wondering, do we really don’t have new and fresh blood that we want to
>>> bring in these positions ?
>>> For the time they have been in position, they haven’t been able to
>>> identify or mentor other outstanding members who can work for NPOC in these
>>> positions? Some of them have been in leadership positions for more than 5
>>> years, going from one to the other position.
>>> I am appealing to them and would like to see ALL of them refuse the
>>> nomination and each one of them nominating a new person they have mentored
>>> and who they believe can serve. Their role could be to support in the
>>> background but we really need new people in all of these positions .
>>> Just so everyone know : I am not planning to contest for any of these
>>> positions. Kindly do not nominate me for any of them.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Arsene
>>> On Mon, 13 May 2024 at 16:39 Raymond Mamattah via Npoc-discuss <
>>> npoc-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I second these nominations.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Raymond Mamattah
>>>> [image: linkedin]
>>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymond-selorm-mamattah/> [image:
>>>> facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/selorm.mamattah> [image: twitter]
>>>> <https://twitter.com/RMamattah>
>>>> Accra, Ghana
>>>> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 1:31 PM Poncelet Ileleji via Npoc-discuss <
>>>> npoc-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
>>>>> Dear NPOC Members,
>>>>> Greetings, We are starting a new chapter in our charter during this
>>>>> election season. I have the pleasure of nominating the following persons
>>>>> for the current open positions
>>>>> Juan - NPOC Chair
>>>>> Bolutife - Secretariat
>>>>> Emmanuel Vitus - Policy
>>>>> Caleb Ogundele - Outreach and Engagement Coord.
>>>>> These fellows have steered the ship of our great NPOC towards the news
>>>>> charter and we need folks like them to help us implement and make some
>>>>> progress on this.
>>>>> It is my hope that they accept these nominations.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Poncelet
>>>>> *Poncelet O. Ileleji*
>>>>> *Jokkolabs Banjul -  Lead / CEO*
>>>>> *Sait Matty Road, Bakau, Adjacent to Swedish Consulate*
>>>>> *KMC, The Gambia*
>>>>> *P O Box 4496 Bakau,KMC, The Gambia*
>>>>> *Skype: pons_utd*
>>>>> *Tel Direct Office: +220 4495115*
>>>>> *Tel Mobile/Whatsapp: +220 9912508*
>>>>> *LinkedIn: Jokkolabs Banjul*
>>>>> *Facebook: Jokkolabs Banjul*
>>>>> *Twitter: @jBanjul*
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