[Prfpanel] comment on public responsibility framework

kilnam chon chonkn at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 05:13:42 UTC 2014

thank you for developing the draft report on this difficult and important
i would like to comment on a few topics to improve the report.

1. internet users; 2.7 billion users now, around 40%
    there is fairly good consensus on rapid increase on the internet users
in the coming decade,
    and we expect over 5 billion users or more by 2020, primarily due to
low cost smart phones
    and tablets.
    the challenge is
      - how to facilitate these users to learn the internet.
      - how to outreach the 5 billions on over 200 countries to participate
icann activity meaningfully.

2. remote hub
    travelling to icann meetings in the era of 5 billion internet users
from 200 countries is not good enough.
    we need to use internet technology for icann participation including
remote hubs.
    we may experiment with the remote hub-based participation with good
facilitation in several cities
    around the world such as Lagos, Cairo, New Delhi, Sao Paulo  and cities
with icann branches with good
    communication links and video/audio facilities initially.

3. multistakeholder model
    multistakeholder models are being discussed without any good references
on documents, and tutorial video
    even though they are used as the primary scheme for icann and other
internet organizations.
    icann shall develop a base document with a tutorial ppf and video to be
used at icann and other internet
    organizations.  this is particularly important as NTIA requires the
internet community to develop a transition
    proposal by the internet community (3 billion internet users from 200
countries) with the multistakeholder approach.
    do you know how many countries have good understanding on the
multiskakeholder models and practice
    it in the world today?  i would like to see icann to take a lead on
this challenge with collaboration of other internet

kilnam chon
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