[RDS-WHOIS2-LawEnforcement] Safeguarding Data Subgroup Report

Lisa Phifer lisa at corecom.com
Fri Apr 6 18:43:53 UTC 2018

Hi Cathrin,

Thank you for volunteering to substitute for Thomas as subgroup 
rapporteur during his absence. As promised in today's plenary call, 
attached please find a first cut at a report for the subgroup on Law 
Enforcement Needs.

This draft starts with the proposed template and populates the first 
three sections by drawing from the subgroup's planning documents, 
wiki, and meetings where this subgroup's efforts were discussed.

In Section 2, I included the materials identified as possibly helpful 
thus far, but the subgroup will want to expand this as it conducts 
its outreach and produces research results. In particular, you'll 
want to cite key sources of input in Section 2.

In Section 3, I have inserted the text from the subgroup's answers to 
planning questions, describing the outreach approach the subgroup 
planned to take at that time. I also inserted a note reflecting 
on-list and informal discussion about timing, given likely impact of 
GDPR compliance efforts. These paragraphs are mostly placeholders for 
the subgroup's actual findings and should be updated/replaced as the 
subgroup refines and then executes on its planned outreach.

Finally, based on its analysis of findings, the subgroup should 
insert any observed issues in Section 4 and recommendations (if any) 
in Section 5.

I hope you'll find this helpful as a starting point. In the interest 
of time, I am sending this to the subgroup mailing list, noting that 
you'll revise this draft and then share that with the full RT as 
input to the upcoming F2F meeting.

Regards, Lisa
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