[RDS-WHOIS2-LawEnforcement] Law Enforcement Needs Subgroup Call | 23 February | Action items

Jean-Baptiste Deroulez jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org
Fri Feb 23 17:06:44 UTC 2018

Dear Law Enforcement Needs subgroup members,

Following your subgroup call #1<https://community.icann.org/display/WHO/Meeting+%25231+-+Law+Enforcement+Needs> today, please find below the identified decisions reached and actions items:

Has your subgroup identified any needed briefings/resources? How will the subgroup conduct its investigation?

  *   Outreach to LEA contacts to solicit input on needs
  *   Possible examples - GAC PSWG, APWG, SSAC members (John Levine)
  *   Need to structure outreach in a transparent and accessible way
  *   Start with informal outreach and then consider broader more formalized outreach
How will subgroup review identified documentation? N/A

  *   Thomas to reach out to Lili to see if she would like to join subgroup
  *   ICANN Org to consider whether a briefing from OCTO on interaction with LEA and perhaps DAR would be helpful as input
  *   ICANN Org to provide Thomas with first cut answer at next step question, for Thomas to refine and share with subgroup by mid-week
Kind regards,

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