[RDS-WHOIS2-RT-Leadership_Staff] RDS-WHOIS2-RT Leadership Call #5 - Apologies

Cathrin.BAUER-BULST at ec.europa.eu Cathrin.BAUER-BULST at ec.europa.eu
Tue Aug 29 12:43:50 UTC 2017

Dear Alan, dear all,

My apologies for missing yesterday's call. We were travelling back from holidays and were severely delayed and I completely forgot.

Best regards

From: rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff-bounces at icann.org [mailto:rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Jean-Baptiste Deroulez
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 9:13 PM
To: rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org
Subject: Re: [RDS-WHOIS2-RT-Leadership_Staff] RDS-WHOIS2-RT Leadership Call #5 - Suggested Agenda

Dear RDS-WHOIS2-RT Leaders,

Following today’s leadership call, please find below the identified decisions reached & action items<https://community.icann.org/display/WHO/Leadership+-+Tracking+Tool>:

1. Face-to-Face meeting agenda:
- ICANN org to send out FtoF meeting agenda asap to the review team and invite for comments
- Include information on logistics (how to get to the meeting/hotel from the airport), security.

2. Law Enforcement Needs:
-ICANN org to reach out to Cathrin and confirm this a supporting document.

3. Scope
- ICANN org to share Scope document ahead of plenary call, and poster on the wiki

4. Draft OECD objective
- ICANN org to replace RDS by RDS/WHOIS and add footnote after high-level recommendations stating "This will not include detailed analysis of data protection laws and specific requirements for compliance with those laws."
- Draft to be provided to the RT for consideration and discussion.

5. Terms of Reference: Draft dependencies section
-  ICANN org to replace "Across-Field" by "Cross-Field"

6. Proposed plenary call agenda: Approved

7. A.O.B.
- Fact Sheet: Alan to review and confirm whether it can be shared and posted on the wiki.

Kind regards,


From: <rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff-bounces at icann.org<mailto:rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff-bounces at icann.org>> on behalf of Jean-Baptiste Deroulez <jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org<mailto:jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org>>
Date: Monday, August 28, 2017 at 6:49 PM
To: "rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org<mailto:rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org>" <rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org<mailto:rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org>>
Subject: [RDS-WHOIS2-RT-Leadership_Staff] RDS-WHOIS2-RT Leadership Call #5 - Suggested Agenda

Dear RDS-WHOIS2-RT Leaders,

In anticipation of our leadership meeting scheduled for today - 18:00 UTC, please find below a proposed meeting agenda:

1.      Face-to-Face meeting Agenda
2.      Law Enforcement needs
3.      Scope
4.      Response to OECD
5.      Terms of Reference: Dependencies section
6.      Proposed Plenary agenda #6
7.      A.O.B.
8.      Confirm Decisions and Action Items

We have attached the slide deck and all documents which will be supporting our discussion today.

This is to inform you that we would like to begin recording leadership calls for transparency purposes. This process complies with the Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives (MSSI) standards that are applied to all post transition Review Teams. In the event that a confidential discussion needs to take place, a recording can be stopped and resumed when appropriate.
 Mp3 and Adobe Connect recordings will be posted on the wiki. Please let us know if you have any questions.

We would also like to remind you that all email sent to rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org<mailto:rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org> are publicly archived and can be found here<http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff/>, under the “Email Archives” section of the wiki. Your decisions reached are listed on a separate page at “Leadership – Tracking Tool” dedicated wiki page.[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_WHO_Leadership-2B-2D-2BTracking-2BTool&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=a5VfrQZP4r0Kte2xBJT17IgRyRBHECC3vHSuFP_QBqD22G4dgkHhRZBEhshbjycD&m=pbyAp6Cdga--zcOWMVwHIkfeAYHH8rtBQzuGGuLi9SA&s=J98JymTfJ9S-O_Crr1mL7YJF-Xp5P58KgkT0hPOxdRQ&e=>

Kind regards,


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