[RDS-WHOIS2-RT] INPUT NEEDED - New poll - Face-to-Face Mtg

Jean-Baptiste Deroulez jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org
Thu Jul 6 17:12:06 UTC 2017

Dear Review Team Members,

Thank you so much for your input on a potential face-to-face meeting in September.

In light of the input received on the previous doodle poll, we have prepared a new doodle poll that includes a set of suggested dates on the weeks of August 28th and October 2nd, which hopefully will allow us identifying a date when all review team members can attend or remotely participate.

Please indicate your availability and preference via https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__doodle.com_poll_mpeqhxkbmqgcsmmu&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=a5VfrQZP4r0Kte2xBJT17IgRyRBHECC3vHSuFP_QBqD22G4dgkHhRZBEhshbjycD&m=bhWbsgyAytfYRPDBJIrHvTyJBfJKufxzxFRwMHu7QIE&s=JQvmwVlTQJ1BVn1-WChds-YNiOCD5tHDRkrDizRPHo4&e=  by Monday, 10 July - 23:59 UTC, using the following color-code:

     *   GREEN (green check mark) - Yes, I can attend in person
     *   YELLOW (yellow check mark) - I can attend using remote participation
     *   RED (unchecked) - Impossible for me to attend in person or remotely

If you can attend both a two-day meeting or three-day meeting but have a preference (2 days vs. 3 days), please notify us using the doodle's comment field.

We look forward to reading your input.

Kind regards,


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