[RDS-WHOIS2-RT] Request to Remove RDS-WHOIS2 Review from Short-term options Public Comment

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Sat Jun 2 05:24:59 UTC 2018

Please replace the third line of Facts/Assumptions with the 
following. In fact we only have a total number and not details of how 
it is apportioned.

>We have currently spent about $46k on staff support and I have 
>projected another $40k presuming a significant part of the work has 
>already been carried out, but there may be some editing and other 
>needs near the end.


At 01/06/2018 11:04 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
>During our meeting last Monday, we decided to request that ICANN Org 
>remove the RDS-WHOIS2 from the Public Comment(PC) on Short-Term 
>Options to Adjust the Timeline for Specific Reviews.
>Part of the argument for doing so is that we will be almost finished 
>the bulk of our work by the time the PC completes, and the other 
>part is that the financial savings that the PC presume from our 
>changing scope or pausing the review - $460k is far too high.
>For this 2nd part, I have summarized our past and projected 
>expenses. If the RT does not agree with these projections, they must 
>be adjusted prior to us making the request (which I hope we can do 
>next Monday).
>We had a cost of $15k for the Abu Dhabi meeting (people were brought 
>in even though we did not end up having a formal meeting).
>We have had 2 F2F meetings to date at a cost of about $30k each. To 
>complete its final report, the RT will need the planned F2F meeting 
>in July, and possibly another F2F to complete the final report, 
>potentially in November.
>We have currently spent about $46k on external contract support 
>(largely Lisa) and I have projected another $40k presuming a large 
>part of the work has already been carried out, but there may be some 
>editing and other needs near the end.
>It is possible that we may want to bring several people to the March 
>2019 ICANN meeting to formally present the report. I have allowed 
>$20k for that (per person costs will be higher than our Brussels meetings)
>For general contingency I have added $19k, and also an additional 
>$30k in case, for whatever reason, we need one more F2F meeting.
>The original review budget allowed $200k for an external study, but 
>there is no indication that this will be used.
>That results in a total Review Budget $290 compared to the original 
>ICANN estimate of $690k. The FY breakdown is: FY17: $15k; FY18: 
>$130k; FY19: $145k.
>MSSI has reviewed this and presuming the assumptions of number of 
>meetings and no external contract is correct, they believe that this 
>is reasonable.
>Are there any questions, and do you feel comfortable proceeding on this basis?
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