[register] Request to change the NAPTR record for ftp.uri.arpa

Mykyta Yevstifeyev evnikita2 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 09:33:02 UTC 2011


I'm currently working in 'ftp' URI scheme specification.  Having found 
the following message:


I noticed the inconsistence of recorded NAPTR record with the actual 
deployed scheme syntax (and including that I'm trying to document in 
http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-yevstifeyev-ftp-uri-scheme-04).  What I 
mean is that substitution expression like:

> !^ftp://([^:/?#]*).*$!\\1!i

Additionally to host-name extracts the userinfo part of an URI, so that 
<ftp://exmaple:foo@exmaple.com:523/bar> will result in 
"exmaple:foo at exmaple.com" extracted from an URI as a next key.  This 
isn't a valid DNS name.  Therefore, I'm planning to request IANA to 
change this expression to

> !^ftp://([^@]*)([^:/?#]*).*$!\\2!i

in my next revision of the draft.  This document will undergo IESG 
approval, so there is no concerns with change controller with this NAPTR 
record.  However, prior to this I'd like to request community feedback 
on this change.  I'm citing the corresponding Appendix of the draft 
which intends to make this change as well as IANA considerations with 
this respect.

> Appendix A.  Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) and 'ftp' URIs
>    Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) is an abstract algorithm
>    for applying dynamically retrieved string transformation rules to an
>    application-unique string.  The comprehensive DDDS specification
>    consists of 5 documents, which are defined in RFC 3401 [RFC3401].
>    RFC 3404 [RFC3404] specified a DDDS Application for resolving URIs
>    using DDDS Algorithm defined in RFC 3402 [RFC3402].  A corresponding
>    second-level domain has been delegated in the "arpa" zone [RFC3172] -
>    "uri.arpa" [RFC3405] - for use with this Application.  RFC 3404
>    specified that First Well Known Rule for the aforementioned DDDS
>    Application is to append the URI scheme name to ".uri.arpa".
>    According to the provisions of RFC 3405 [RFC3405], the 'ftp' URI
>    scheme was previously approved for inclusion in this zone [MSG-REG]
>    in order to allow its resolving using DDDS.  Correspondingly, the
>    following substitution expression was recorded in the NAPTR DNS
>    resource record [RFC3403]:
>      !^ftp://([^:/?#]*).*$!\1!i
>    using the syntax defined in Section 3.2 of RFC 3402.  However, taking
>    the syntax specified in this document, IANA is asked to record the
>    following new substitution expression in the NAPTR record for
>    ftp.uri.arpa domain:
>      !^ftp://([^@]*)([^:/?#]*).*$!\2!i
>    This substitution expression extracts the hostname from a given URI,
>    forming the next Key.
>    Refer to RFC 3404 for detailed description of DDDS Application for
>    resolving URIs and RFC 3402 for generic DDDS Algorithm.
>    Please note that while there is a possibility to resolve 'ftp' URIs
>    using DDDS, not every given 'ftp' URI may be resolved using this
>    technique.  A specific "hint" is required in order to denote this;
>    for instance, "the URI <ftp://exmaple.org/foo/bar.txt> refers to the
>    very valuable information; it is mirrored at a number of servers
>    which are to be discovered using DDDS".

Here [MSG-REG] refers to the above-referenced message.  Corresponding 
IANA considerations are:

> 5.3. Maintaining ftp.uri.arpa Domain
>    As primarily requested by [MSG-REG] per RFC 3405 [RFC3405], IANA will
>    continue maintaining the ftp.uri.arpa domain for use of DDDS with
>    'ftp' URIs (see Appendix A).  Moreover, IANA is requested to change
>    the existing substitution expression in the NAPTR record for this
>    domain as described in Appendix A.

Any comments from DDDS experts are invited and welcome.

Thanks in advance,
Mykyta Yevstifeyev

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