[Register-URN] Adding a NAPTR record to the urn.arpa domain

S Moonesamy sm+ietf at elandsys.com
Sat Jan 6 10:46:00 UTC 2024

Hi Francesca, Murray,

[Cc to Document Shepherd]

Please see the request quoted below.

Barry is listed as RAD for 
I was a bit puzzled as I was unsure whether he was an AD or 
not.  Anyway, one of you may be able to figure out whether there is 
any action required from the IESG's end as per RFC 8141.

S. Moonesamy

At 01:05 PM 05-01-2024, ENRICO FRANCESCONI via Register-urn wrote:
>Dear Colleagues,
>    we are writing to take the following action before completing 
> the registration for draft-spinosa-urn-lex-21 
> (<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-spinosa-urn-lex/>https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-spinosa-urn-lex/).
>According to RFC 3405, we kindly ask you to add a NAPTR record 
>related to the "lex" namespace to the urn.arpa domain.
>Thanks a lot for your collaboration
>best regards
>   Pierluigi Spinosa
>   Enrico Francesconi
>Enrico Francesconi
>Research Director
>IGSG - CNR    [ex ITTIG - CNR]
>Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems
>National Research Council of Italy
>Via de' Barucci 20
>50127 Florence

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