[rssac-caucus] possible new work item

Joe Abley jabley at hopcount.ca
Thu May 21 15:09:07 UTC 2015


On 21 May 2015, at 10:47, Warren Kumari wrote:

> [ Top-post ]

[ Bottom-post ]

> Gulp. What, someone gave you a worm can opener for your birthday?!

Well, closer to an attempt to illustrate that not everything relating to 
the root server system is shipped in a cylinder with soft-bodied 
invertebrates on the label.

I think it's better for people to form the opinion "it is how it is for 
easy-to-find reasons, and because changing it is a bad idea" than for 
them to stock up on tinfoil, if that's what we decide is the right 
conclusion. And if we decide there are positive benefits in making a 
change, why wouldn't we recommend that change?

> Yah, this sounds fun / interesting. If a work party if formed I'd like
> to participate....


That sounds like two thumbs up. Question for Management: I don't know 
what the process is here; are we letting this conversation run its 
course and expecting some direction from the exec in due course? Or are 
we self-organising within the caucus, and expecting the exec to consider 
the final output? Or something else?


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