[rssac-caucus] MTU, MSS and Frag

George Michaelson ggm at algebras.org
Sun Mar 26 22:03:42 UTC 2017

I propose RSSAC caucus explore an understanding of the MTU, MSS and
fragmentation behaviour of all instances of the roots, in IPv6 and

If we had this data, we would be able to understand if what we see
with any given instance of query to a root was local, or more likely
along the path.

Some evidence from random query tests suggests both that there is no
consistency between the root operators, and some inconsistency within
a given root letter, depending on where you query goes, or what
protocol you use.

Because of the increase in TCP, and packetsizes in responses, this is
of interest because of the exposure to fragmentation, or loss of pMTU
signalling, or the variances in MSS/TCP against interface MTU and UDP.

This question has a quality which goes to "only the root operators can
say" which is why it feels to me like a well-formed question for the
caucus to consider, which implies RSSAC taking it on board to ask the
root operators about.


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