[rssac-caucus] aggressive NXDOMAIN in pDNS, and its effect on traffic to the root

George Michaelson ggm at algebras.org
Mon Mar 27 00:19:31 UTC 2017

I would like to propose a study in rssac-caucus to collect information
about the effects of the deployment of aggressive NSEC response, on
the volume of query at the root.

The work is late stage in DNSOP and I would expect to go to last-call
and publication. This means that we can also expect deployment soon
after, or even proceeding publication.

DITL style infrequent capture would be useful but its possible a less
costly mechanism to construct a measurement exists: I am unsure if the
current RSAC002 captures this, certainly the RCODE-VOLUME measure
would provide it in aggregate, but because it's dissociated from the
resolver its hard to do any more qualified analysis except to say 'it

Because the change would herald a shift in the volume of undelegated
(bogus) queries to the root and also reduce pressure in the known bad
cases like .local, it has impacts on other policy questions under the
oversight of the ICANN. It goes to that borderline between operations,
and zone content.


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