[rssac-caucus] Handing the anonymization document off to RSSAC

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Tue Apr 10 11:39:43 UTC 2018

 Paul Vixie writes:

 > anonymizing at /48 for v6 and /24 for v4 isn't enough. even the least 
 > capable data scientist, using data that's less than a millionth of the 
 > other data in google's or facebook's or cambridge analytica's 
 > possession, can _trivially_ deanonymize that.

My ISP gives me a /48 for home use. I do think the advisce nowadays is
to issue a /56 or /52 or so for home use.

Just by accident I learned today that the Matomo/piwik anonymyzer plug
in has three settings, for 4 /8, /16, /24 which goves for for v6 to
/64, /80, /104. (See https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/issues/3710
for discussion and
for the implementation).

 > this is also why ECS is bad for the end-user population.

yeah, that is the opionion of quite some people.


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