[rssac-caucus] Preliminary result in Resolver Study Work Party

Wes Hardaker hardaker at isi.edu
Fri Dec 21 17:26:02 UTC 2018

> There is some recent work related to some of the tasks:

Hi John,

Much of this work is covering not traffic analysis (though we'll likely do
more of that as well), but focusing on simulations of real software and
what each component does when thrown into a test network.  Paul Hoffman has
designed a testbed where various packages (bind, unbound, etc) can be
watched carefully in a simulated environment.  That should hopefully get us
some ground truth, which we may then in turn be able to look to real world
traffic and do some comparisons against it.

Thanks for sending the papers, though, as it was on my todo list to send
many of those to the group as well!

Wes Hardaker
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