[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC Caucus Future Work Items

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Fri Dec 10 17:24:53 UTC 2021

On Dec 10, 2021, at 5:17 AM, Robert Carolina <rob at isc.org> wrote:
> Perhaps we could look down the other end of the telescope.
> I'm wondering: how do we know that the RSOs are sufficiently technologically heterogenous? Perhaps the session could simply discuss differing approaches to these types of issues, highlight plusses and minuses, and continue to encourage diverse implementations. There would be no "mandate" to adopt solutions and no need to identify anything as "best." 

This end of the telescope seems much better, yes. :-)

Periodically surveying the RSOs with relevant questions could help the community determine if there are diversity gaps. This seems like a much better idea than trying to come up with (much less enforce) "best practices".

--Paul Hoffman
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