[Ssr2-review] Board SSR2 Caucus details

Denise Michel denisemichel at fb.com
Wed Jul 12 13:35:38 UTC 2017

Thanks, Kaveh.

Denise Michel
Domain Name System Strategy & Management
Facebook, Inc.
denisemichel at fb.com 

On 7/11/17, 2:49 PM, "ssr2-review-bounces at icann.org on behalf of Kaveh Ranjbar" <ssr2-review-bounces at icann.org on behalf of kaveh.ranjbar at board.icann.org> wrote:

    Dear SSR2 Review Team,
    In line with best practice experience from the Transition-related work, Board Caucus Groups have been formed as a mechanism for the Board to provide input to Specific Review Teams on the scope of work, feasibility of recommendations and other key matters.  These Caucus groups are small groups of Board members with expertise and interest in the particular Review-related topics. The goal is to create an interactive environment where the Board can engage with the Review Teams to offer input and observations for Review Teams’ consideration on a timely basis, via the Board Caucus Group.
    To that end, the Board Caucus Group for SSR2 Review has been formed, consisting of George Sadowsky, Lito Ibarra, Ram Mohan, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Steve Crocker and myself. 
    It is important to highlight that the formation of the Caucus Groups is the Board’s internal method of conducting their work and not only are all of the final results seen and reviewed by the full Board but also the full Board stands behind the Caucus Group’s work. Any response or feedback provided to the Review Teams is the Board’s response and not the Caucus Groups. 
    Thank you for your dedicated efforts.
    All the best,
    Ssr2-review mailing list
    Ssr2-review at icann.org

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