Ballot 4 (functions)

seismo!nbires!vianet!devine seismo!nbires!vianet!devine
Fri Apr 17 00:30:09 UTC 1987

  I can't recall if we ever resolved what functions should be in Posix.
So, say "yes" or "no" to each of the following functions.  Give a
rationale (if you want).  Add more functions if you believe they are

    time_t     time(time_t*)
    char*      ctime(time_t*)
    struct tm* localtime(time_t*)
    struct tm* gmtime(time_t*)
    char*      asctime(struct tm*)
    void       tzset()
    int        dysize(int)
    int        strftime(char*, int, char*, struct tm*)
    int        strfastime(char*, int, char*, struct tm*)
    time_t     mktime(struct tm*)

Bob Devine

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