Europe/Norway (Europe/Oslo?)

Tore Andre Klock tkl at
Mon Sep 30 06:51:46 UTC 1996

[From the timedata file 'Europe']
# Plus, from 1 Jan 95: Austria, Finland, Sweden. (Norway negotiated terms for
# entry but in a referendum on 28 Nov 94 the people voted No by 52.2% to 47.8%
# on a turnout of 88.6%. This was almost the same result as Norway's previous
# referendum in 1972, they are the only country to have said No twice.
# Referendums in the other three countries voted Yes.)
Very well, but..
Norway also uses the new European (EU) standard from _1996_.
(The effects are pretty evident this morning, when all computers say "WINTER"
and everybody else cling to their sunbath-lotion and scream "SUMMER"!  This
can be an interesting month.)

Political statement/Historical Note:
We voted "NO", but that was merely a matter of disposing ourselves of our
right to vote.  We still follow most of their rules. (Go figure)

Hope you can include the correct data in the next version.

Tore Andre Klock <tkl at>

PS: I got the file from a mirror, so it could be outdated.  My apologies if so
is the case.

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