FW: Timezone data

Olson, Arthur David (NCI) olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Tue Apr 6 11:53:31 UTC 1999

Be sure replies are directed to Len Landau, who's not on the time zone mailing


-----Original Message-----
From:	Les Landau [SMTP:Les.Landau at digital.com]
Sent:	Monday, April 05, 1999 7:47 PM
To:	tz at elsie.nci.nih.gov
Subject:	Timezone data


I got this e-mail address from www.timezone.com - I hope its OK to ask your

I'm trying to write a Visual Basic application to convert times between
zones, and would like to get a database of timezone info in a form that I
can read. Are you aware of a database that could be read by a windows
application? Is there any documentation of its structure?

Any help is most appreciated.

Les Landau  				LanNet Services 
E-mail:  LandauL at ozemail.com.au		8 Solander Place
Phone: 0419 825242			Yarralumla
Fax:      02 6282 8433			ACT    2600

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