FW: Timezone with new Brazil rules

Olson, Arthur David (NCI) olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Wed Sep 8 13:42:42 UTC 1999

Ricardo is not on the time zone mailing list; be sure any replies are directed

(Has anyone succeeded in tracking down a governmental source that verifies the


-----Original Message-----
From:	Ricardo Reis [SMTP:rreis at ms.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, September 08, 1999 8:31 AM
To:	tz at elsie.nci.nih.gov
Subject:	Timezone with new Brazil rules


I would like to know when will you have a timezone version that includes the new
Brazil's rules (daylight savings from oct 3 untill feb 26)? 

I am attaching a southamerica file that I have edited to add those changes, but
I would prefer to use a more "official" version since I am not sure if my file
will work fine. 

I am looking forward to hearing from you. 


Ricardo R. B. Reis
Sao Paulo IT
Morgan Stanley do Brasil
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