Alex LIVINGSTON alex at
Thu Jan 11 22:50:37 UTC 2001

At 11:07 -0600 2001-01-11, Syed Sajjath wrote:
>In our application we always use the abbr., in conjunction with the country,
>avoiding ambiguities.  More examples are CST, EST and PST used both in
>Australia and US.

Where/when in Australia is PST used? It doesn't show up anywhere in 
tzdata2000g. (I haven't downloaded tzdata2000h yet.)
IT, Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM), UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052
Fax: +61 2 9931-9349 / Phone: +61 2 9931-9264 / Time: UTC + 10 or 11 hours

At end of today, Friday, January 12,
   time since epoch (1-1-1 at 00:00:00)
     = 730497 days = 2000.03285488 average Gregorian years
   time since 2nd millennium, 20th century, 200th decade, 2000th year
     = 12 days = .03285488 average Gregorian years

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