Year Round Daylight Saving Time?

Garrett Wollman wollman at
Tue May 29 20:06:46 UTC 2001

<<On Tue, 29 May 2001 14:20:21 -0400, Martin Smoot <msmoot at> said:

> the latest energy problems have prompted Massacuhsetts to consider year
> round Daylight saving time.

I don't think that this is actually a correct analysis, based on the
statements made by the proponent on local radio here.  What he is
interested in is providing more daylight in afternoon and
early-evening hours during the ``winter'' months.  Many
retail-oriented businesses in the major shopping districts (like
Boston's Newbury Street) experience a steep drop-off in business after
the trailing edge of DST, which is attributable to the lack of natural
light discouraging pedestrian activity.

Of course, this idea has no chance of ever being enacted.


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