FW: Daylight Saving Time - Palestine

Michael Douma doumalist at michaeldouma.com
Mon Apr 8 21:02:55 UTC 2002

Thanks Paul and Clive...

I currently address Navajo Nation, Indiana, other nonobservant U.S. 
areas, and Antarctica. The Mexico issue struck me as political but 
uninteresting. Though, in general, I think idiosyncrasy is fascinating. 
Note, I am focusing on DST observance here (not time zones in general).

So... any other interesting non-ISO entities that you have interesting 
info about?


On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 04:51 PM, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:

>> Sure, lots of them.  The Navajo Nation is one example.
> And there was that Mexico [City][Federal District] mess.

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