compile errors on timezone database

Rodrigo Severo rodrigo.lists at
Wed Dec 3 17:33:55 UTC 2003

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) wrote:

>Another possibility is to change the spelling of...
>	24:00
>	23:59:60
>...which works with any version of zic issued 1988 or later.
>Let's hear it for leap seconds!

As the support for the 24:00 notation has been introduced 5 years ago I 
suggest that anyone with the 24:00-support problem is simply encouraged 
to update his zic to a >= 7.95 version.

My 2 cents,

Rodrigo Severo

Rodrigo Severo
Fábrica de Idéias
Fone: +55(61)321 1357
Fax: +55(61)223 1712
SBS - Quadra 2 - Ed. Empire Center - Sala 1301
Brasília/DF - Brasil
CEP: 70.070-904

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