Brazil - update

Rodrigo Severo rodrigo.lists at
Tue Feb 3 11:03:05 UTC 2004

Paul Eggert wrote:

>At Mon, 02 Feb 2004 14:59:32 -0200, Rodrigo Severo <rodrigo.lists at> writes:
>>I'm sending here a small patch to include the info in tzdata.
>Just out of curiosity, how were you notified of this correction?
>Were any other web pages corrected?
I asked the maintainer of the decrees page to correct the brief about 
the 1252 decree as it was differing from the decree itself. For my 
surprise he corrected the decree itself, it was the one wrong, not the 

>Anyway, thanks for the patch.  I assume that
><> is the web page that was corrected?
You are right.

>If so, I'll also include the following in my next proposed patch set.
>--- southamerica	2003/12/15 14:31:42	2003.5
>+++ southamerica	2004/02/03 05:39:01
>@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ Rule	Brazil	1992	only	-	Oct	25	 0:00	1:0
> Rule	Brazil	1993	only	-	Jan	31	 0:00	0	-
> # Decree <a href="">942</a> (1993-09-28)
> # adopted by same states, plus AM.
>-# Decree <a href="">1,252</a> (1994-09-22)
>-# adopted by same states, minus AM and MT.
>+# Decree <a href="">1,252</a> (1994-09-22;
>+# web page corrected 2004-01-07) adopted by same states, minus AM.
> # Decree <a href="">1,636</a> (1995-09-14)
> # adopted by same states, plus MT and TO.
> # Decree <a href="">1,674</a> (1995-10-13)
That's perfect. I should have included that also.

Rodrigo Severo

Rodrigo Severo
Fábrica de Idéias
Fone: +55(61)321 1357
Fax: +55(61)223 1712
SBS - Quadra 2 - Ed. Empire Center - Sala 1301
Brasília/DF - Brasil
CEP: 70.070-904

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