Time Zone Localizations

Mark Davis mark.davis at jtcsv.com
Sat Jun 12 05:57:03 UTC 2004

It's not really that I personally would want it; it is that we can't point
people to a document that they can read, that describes a specification.

► शिष्यादिच्छेत्पराजयम् ◄

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Eggert" <eggert at CS.UCLA.EDU>
To: "Mark Davis" <mark.davis at jtcsv.com>
Cc: <tz at lecserver.nci.nih.gov>
Sent: Fri, 2004 Jun 11 22:01
Subject: Re: Time Zone Localizations

> "Mark Davis" <mark.davis at jtcsv.com> writes:
> > like "olson_tzid_specification.txt" (or .html or .pdf) that people
> > can read to tell them how the Olson TZIDs are defined by the data
> > files in that directory.
> If you just want a list of TZIDs, then the zone.tab file is perhaps
> your best bet right now.  Admittedly there's no single URL for it but
> it's not hard to give directions for deriving it.
> If you want to know exactly the data are derived then the zic man page
> is the specification.  You can Google "zic man page" if it's too much
> of a pain to unpack it from the canonical location.

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