proposed tz changes to eliminate electronic mail addresses

Arthur David Olson olsona at
Thu Dec 8 16:39:23 UTC 2005

Below find proposed changes to eliminate electronic mail address
(except for tz.* from the time zone files.
If I can believe grep, this catches them all.


------- antarctica -------
*** /tmp/geta17786	Thu Dec  8 11:36:56 2005
--- /tmp/getb17786	Thu Dec  8 11:36:56 2005
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)antarctica	7.26
  # From Paul Eggert (1999-11-15):
  # To keep things manageable, we list only locations occupied year-round; see
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)antarctica	7.27
  # From Paul Eggert (1999-11-15):
  # To keep things manageable, we list only locations occupied year-round; see
*** 107,113 ****
  # France - year-round bases
! # From Antoine Leca <Antoine.Leca at Renault.FR> (1997-01-20):
  # Time data are from Nicole Pailleau at the IFRTP
  # (French Institute for Polar Research and Technology).
  # She confirms that French Southern Territories and Terre Adelie bases
--- 107,113 ----
  # France - year-round bases
! # From Antoine Leca (1997-01-20):
  # Time data are from Nicole Pailleau at the IFRTP
  # (French Institute for Polar Research and Technology).
  # She confirms that French Southern Territories and Terre Adelie bases
*** 300,306 ****
  # Normally it wouldn't have a separate entry, since it's like the
  # larger Antarctica/McMurdo since 1970, but it's too famous to omit.
! # From Chris Carrier <72157.3334 at CompuServe.COM> (1996-06-27):
  # Siple, the first commander of the South Pole station,
  # stated that he would have liked to have kept GMT at the station,
  # but that he found it more convenient to keep GMT+12
--- 300,306 ----
  # Normally it wouldn't have a separate entry, since it's like the
  # larger Antarctica/McMurdo since 1970, but it's too famous to omit.
! # From Chris Carrier (1996-06-27):
  # Siple, the first commander of the South Pole station,
  # stated that he would have liked to have kept GMT at the station,
  # but that he found it more convenient to keep GMT+12

------- asctime.c -------
*** /tmp/geta17805	Thu Dec  8 11:36:57 2005
--- /tmp/getb17805	Thu Dec  8 11:36:57 2005
*** 1,6 ****
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson (arthur_david_olson at
--- 1,6 ----
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson.
*** 11,17 ****
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)asctime.c	7.31";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */
--- 11,17 ----
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)asctime.c	7.32";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */

------- asia -------
*** /tmp/geta17824	Thu Dec  8 11:36:57 2005
--- /tmp/getb17824	Thu Dec  8 11:36:57 2005
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)asia	7.88
  # This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
  # go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)asia	7.89
  # This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
  # go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
*** 85,91 ****
  # Shanks has Yerevan switching to 3:00 (with Russian DST) in spring 1991,
  # then to 4:00 with no DST in fall 1995, then readopting Russian DST in 1997.
  # Go with Shanks, even when he disagrees with others.  Edgar Der-Danieliantz
! # <edd at AIC.NET> reported (1996-05-04) that Yerevan probably wouldn't use DST
  # in 1996, though it did use DST in 1995.  IATA SSIM (1991/1998) reports that
  # Armenia switched from 3:00 to 4:00 in 1998 and observed DST after 1991,
  # but started switching at 3:00s in 1998.
--- 85,91 ----
  # Shanks has Yerevan switching to 3:00 (with Russian DST) in spring 1991,
  # then to 4:00 with no DST in fall 1995, then readopting Russian DST in 1997.
  # Go with Shanks, even when he disagrees with others.  Edgar Der-Danieliantz
! # reported (1996-05-04) that Yerevan probably wouldn't use DST
  # in 1996, though it did use DST in 1995.  IATA SSIM (1991/1998) reports that
  # Armenia switched from 3:00 to 4:00 in 1998 and observed DST after 1991,
  # but started switching at 3:00s in 1998.

------- australasia -------
*** /tmp/geta17843	Thu Dec  8 11:36:57 2005
--- /tmp/getb17843	Thu Dec  8 11:36:57 2005
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)australasia	7.75
  # This file also includes Pacific islands.
  # Notes are at the end of this file
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)australasia	7.76
  # This file also includes Pacific islands.
  # Notes are at the end of this file
*** 1050,1056 ****
  # Lord Howe Island
  # From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
! # LHI...		[ Courtesy of Pauline Van Winsen.. pauline at Aus ]
  #					[ Dec 1990 ]
  # Lord Howe Island is located off the New South Wales coast, and is half an
  # hour ahead of NSW time.
--- 1050,1056 ----
  # Lord Howe Island
  # From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
! # LHI...		[ Courtesy of Pauline Van Winsen ]
  #					[ Dec 1990 ]
  # Lord Howe Island is located off the New South Wales coast, and is half an
  # hour ahead of NSW time.
*** 1090,1096 ****
  # From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
  # # The Country of New Zealand   (Australia's east island -) Gee they hate that!
  # #				   or is Australia the west island of N.Z.
! # #	[ courtesy of Geoff Tribble.. Geofft at Aus.. Auckland N.Z. ]
  # #				[ Nov 1990 ]
  # ...
  # Rule	NZ      1974    1988	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
--- 1090,1096 ----
  # From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
  # # The Country of New Zealand   (Australia's east island -) Gee they hate that!
  # #				   or is Australia the west island of N.Z.
! # #	[ courtesy of Geoff Tribble.. Auckland N.Z. ]
  # #				[ Nov 1990 ]
  # ...
  # Rule	NZ      1974    1988	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D

------- localtime.c -------
*** /tmp/geta17862	Thu Dec  8 11:36:58 2005
--- /tmp/getb17862	Thu Dec  8 11:36:58 2005
*** 1,18 ****
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson (arthur_david_olson at
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)localtime.c	7.96";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */
! ** Leap second handling from Bradley White (bww at
! ** POSIX-style TZ environment variable handling from Guy Harris
! ** (guy at
--- 1,17 ----
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson.
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)localtime.c	7.97";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */
! ** Leap second handling from Bradley White.
! ** POSIX-style TZ environment variable handling from Guy Harris.
*** 208,214 ****
  **	Except for the strftime function, these functions [asctime,
  **	ctime, gmtime, localtime] return values in one of two static
  **	objects: a broken-down time structure and an array of char.
! ** Thanks to Paul Eggert (eggert at for noting this.
  static struct tm	tm;
--- 207,213 ----
  **	Except for the strftime function, these functions [asctime,
  **	ctime, gmtime, localtime] return values in one of two static
  **	objects: a broken-down time structure and an array of char.
! ** Thanks to Paul Eggert for noting this.
  static struct tm	tm;
*** 1411,1417 ****
  ** Adapted from code provided by Robert Elz, who writes:
  **	The "best" way to do mktime I think is based on an idea of Bob
  **	Kridle's (so its said...) from a long time ago.
- **	[kridle at as of 1996-01-16.]
  **	It does a binary search of the time_t space. Since time_t's are
  **	just 32 bits, its a max of 32 iterations (even at 64 bits it
  **	would still be very reasonable).
--- 1410,1415 ----
*** 1422,1428 ****
  #endif /* !defined WRONG */
! ** Simplified normalize logic courtesy Paul Eggert (eggert at
  static int
--- 1420,1426 ----
  #endif /* !defined WRONG */
! ** Simplified normalize logic courtesy Paul Eggert.
  static int
*** 1722,1728 ****
  	t = time2(tmp, funcp, offset, &okay);
  #ifdef PCTS
! 	** PCTS code courtesy Grant Sullivan (grant at
  	if (okay)
  		return t;
--- 1720,1726 ----
  	t = time2(tmp, funcp, offset, &okay);
  #ifdef PCTS
! 	** PCTS code courtesy Grant Sullivan.
  	if (okay)
  		return t;

------- private.h -------
*** /tmp/geta17881	Thu Dec  8 11:36:58 2005
--- /tmp/getb17881	Thu Dec  8 11:36:58 2005
*** 4,10 ****
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson (arthur_david_olson at
--- 4,10 ----
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson.

------- tzfile.5 -------
*** /tmp/geta17900	Thu Dec  8 11:36:58 2005
--- /tmp/getb17900	Thu Dec  8 11:36:58 2005
*** 133,138 ****
  in the file.
! .\" @(#)tzfile.5	7.11
  .\" This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! .\" 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson (arthur_david_olson at
--- 133,138 ----
  in the file.
! .\" @(#)tzfile.5	7.12
  .\" This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! .\" 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson.

------- tzfile.h -------
*** /tmp/geta17919	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
--- /tmp/getb17919	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
*** 4,10 ****
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson (arthur_david_olson at
--- 4,10 ----
  ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
! ** 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson.
*** 21,27 ****
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	tzfilehid[] = "@(#)tzfile.h	7.17";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */
--- 21,27 ----
  #ifndef lint
  #ifndef NOID
! static char	tzfilehid[] = "@(#)tzfile.h	7.18";
  #endif /* !defined NOID */
  #endif /* !defined lint */
*** 105,111 ****
  #ifdef NOSOLAR
  ** Must be at least 14 for Europe/Riga as of Jan 12 1995,
! ** as noted by Earl Chew <earl at>.
  #define TZ_MAX_TYPES	20	/* Maximum number of local time types */
  #endif /* !defined NOSOLAR */
--- 105,111 ----
  #ifdef NOSOLAR
  ** Must be at least 14 for Europe/Riga as of Jan 12 1995,
! ** as noted by Earl Chew.
  #define TZ_MAX_TYPES	20	/* Maximum number of local time types */
  #endif /* !defined NOSOLAR */

------- usno1989a -------
*** /tmp/geta17938	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
--- /tmp/getb17938	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
*** 1,9 ****
! # @(#)usno1989a	7.3
  # From Arthur David Olson (1994-02-07):
  # Here's time zone information from the United States Naval Observatory,
! # with corrections from Paul Eggert (eggert at
  # The USNO warns:
--- 1,9 ----
! # @(#)usno1989a	7.4
  # From Arthur David Olson (1994-02-07):
  # Here's time zone information from the United States Naval Observatory,
! # with corrections from Paul Eggert.
  # The USNO warns:

------- usno1995 -------
*** /tmp/geta17957	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
--- /tmp/getb17957	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)usno1995	7.4
  # From Arthur David Olson (1995-12-21):
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)usno1995	7.5
  # From Arthur David Olson (1995-12-21):
*** 323,327 ****
  Zaire Shaba: +2 hours
  Zambia: +2 hours
  Zimbabwe: +2 hours
! All timezone information is non-authoritative. Send corrections to:
! res at
--- 323,326 ----
  Zaire Shaba: +2 hours
  Zambia: +2 hours
  Zimbabwe: +2 hours
! All timezone information is non-authoritative...

------- usno1997 -------
*** /tmp/geta17976	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
--- /tmp/getb17976	Thu Dec  8 11:36:59 2005
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)usno1997	7.6
  # From Arthur David Olson (1997-03-07):
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)usno1997	7.7
  # From Arthur David Olson (1997-03-07):
*** 324,328 ****
  Zaire Shaba: +2 hours
  Zambia: +2 hours
  Zimbabwe: +2 hours
! All timezone information is non-authoritative.
! Send corrections to: res at
--- 324,327 ----
  Zaire Shaba: +2 hours
  Zambia: +2 hours
  Zimbabwe: +2 hours
! All timezone information is non-authoritative...

------- usno1998 -------
*** /tmp/geta17995	Thu Dec  8 11:37:00 2005
--- /tmp/getb17995	Thu Dec  8 11:37:00 2005
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)usno1998	7.3
  # From Arthur David Olson (1998-05-26):
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)usno1998	7.4
  # From Arthur David Olson (1998-05-26):
*** 324,328 ****
  Zaire Shaba: +2 hours
  Zambia: +2 hours
  Zimbabwe: +2 hours
! All timezone information is non-authoritative.
! Send corrections to: res at
--- 324,327 ----
  Zaire Shaba: +2 hours
  Zambia: +2 hours
  Zimbabwe: +2 hours
! All timezone information is non-authoritative...

------- zic.c -------
*** /tmp/geta18014	Thu Dec  8 11:37:00 2005
--- /tmp/getb18014	Thu Dec  8 11:37:00 2005
*** 1,4 ****
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)zic.c	7.125";
  ** Regardless of the type of time_t, we do our work using this type.
--- 1,4 ----
! static char	elsieid[] = "@(#)zic.c	7.126";
  ** Regardless of the type of time_t, we do our work using this type.
*** 1648,1654 ****
  	typecnt = 0;
  	charcnt = 0;
! 	** Thanks to Earl Chew (earl at
  	** for noting the need to unconditionally initialize startttisstd.
  	startttisstd = FALSE;
--- 1648,1654 ----
  	typecnt = 0;
  	charcnt = 0;
! 	** Thanks to Earl Chew
  	** for noting the need to unconditionally initialize startttisstd.
  	startttisstd = FALSE;

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